Chapter 6

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I-Im Human now?!? This feels so weird....... Once I was free, Jay picked me up and jumped off the ship while we were in the air!!!! As we fell, I stayed in Jays arms the whole time. I did not know were we were going. Once we landed, I still never left Jay's arms. He never put me down even when we took shelter.


"Yes Y/N"

"U can put me down now."

"Oh Haha Here." Jay placed me down on the ground. I lost balance and fell back into Jays arms. We locked eyes mine and his. We stayed starring at each other until someone coughed.

"Jay Can I talk to you?" Cole said motioning Jay outside. I sat there with Lloyd and Nya and talked.

L- "So How does it feel like being a human now?"
Y- "It is not that bad than what my father told me. I just have to get used to having legs."
N- "Jay told us that your father held u captive....why?"
Y- "The same reason he had Clancy wish me human. So he can force me in marrying him and earn Ultimate power."
L- "Do u want to marry your father?"
Y- "With all of the horrible conditions he put me through since I was way!"
L- "Until we find a way to stop your father, you will have to stay here where no one can find u."
Y- *nods*

Jay's POV:
Once we reached shelter and Cole realized that I had brought y/n with us after she was turned into human he told me he wanted to speak with me outside while Lloyd, Nya and Y/n talked.

C- " Have u lost your mind?"
J- "No, have u?"
C- "I don't have time for jokes Jay, why did u bring her with us?"
J- "Have u forgotten what happens when a djinn wishes his daughter human?"
C- "I know what happens! Have u ever thought that she might be acting like this so her father can capture us and make us prisoners. She probably wants to marry her father for his power!"
J- "And what if she doesn't want to? Did u even give her a chance to explain herself? U immediately think that because she is a djinn we can't trust her."
C- "Jay do u know the characteristics of a Djinn? Someone who can grant wishes and are very sneaky!"
J- "Y/n is not like that!"
C- "How do u know Jay?"
J- "U did not have to stay a night like her and u were not there when her father broke his promise to let her out of her cell during dinner and u did not understand the feeling that she felt!"
J- "I'd rather help her and save Ninjago than not help her and have the city of Ninjago destroyed."

After I finished talking to Cole I walked back into the shack to Nya and Lloyd helping y/n walk. The expression on her face made me feel all warm inside. Soon Lloyd and Nya let Y/N go and she continued to walk perfectly.

Y/N's POV:
N- "Jay has not stopped talking about u ever since he came back the other day."
Y- "oh really."
L- "yeah he even stayed up late that night I'm guessing thinking about u because he stayed outside looking at the stars in the same direction as the ship. We don't even know if he went to sleep that night."
I could not help but blush. That was cute of Jay to not stop talking about me with his voice I would be glad to listen. Nya got up and made some tea. I was really hoping to learn how to walk before my father finds me again. I try and get up but lost my balance again and fell. Lloyd help me up and walked me back to my seat.

L- "U might want some practice on ow to walk before u try and go places."
Y- "Can y'all help me?"
N- "Of course!"
(5 minutes later)
N- " Right Left Right and Left... U are doing great y/n!"
Y- "This is more fun than floating around all day!"
L- "Ok y/n now we are gonna let you and u try and walk...ready?"
Y- "Let's do this!"

Once Lloyd and Nya let go of me I managed to walk all the way to the pot were Nya was making tea, when I was walking back Jay and Cole walked back inside and Jay's face when he saw me walking is like when my mother first saw me after I was born. I never got to meet my mother but I saw pictures so looked just like me the H/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. Once I walked back I sat back on the ground where Lloyd and Nya and I were talking earlier. Jay sat next to me not keeping his eyes off of me.

J-"So how do u like having legs?"
Y-"They are much better than floating around all day."
J- "Really? I would love to float around instead of walking. I can go everywhere without being tired!"
Y- "The only good thing about floating is you can never trip!"
J-"That would be perfect for me! I always trip on my feet and the face to cement ratio is not a pleasant experience. Haha"

After the sun had set everyone started to settle down and the fire by the pot started to dim leaving us no choice but to try and fall asleep. Jay and Nya slept by me, I don't know why but I did not feel like asking instead I slept. Slept knowing that my father will leave me be for now....

In love with a Djinn (JayXReader) NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now