Reiji x reader

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hey hey this is an x reader I would like to let y'all know that there is some mention of depression and violence so yeah be warned but yeah do enjoy it.



For (Name) it was to say the least, difficult to be Reiji's girlfriend; without the constant insults that over time, has now affected her greatly. Over time she had learnt to keep the problems she faced away from Reiji knowledge. She was well aware how it can become quite bothersome, he is not the comforting type; and thus she learnt to bottle up her problems, granted it isn't the most healthiest or smartest thing to do and she knew this very well.

Walking to school was calming for  (Name), it gave her time to just appreciate life even for just a moment. Normally she would have taken the limo, with the Sakamaki's. However, in her favor the Sakamaki's knew that she needed space every now and then; but there was this nagging feel at the back of Reiji's head, telling him that something was off.

Once at the school grounds she was greeted by her male friends, greeting them all with a "bro-hug" as she would explain it. Although her male friend had her back no matter what, more so when she had to deal with the female students that would spread petty roomers and spit venomous insults her way.

Whilst chatting with her male friends she was unaware of her boyfriend who had heard her laughter, as she chatted with her friends. He stood for a moment to observe his girlfriend, in hopes to confirm his suspicion. There he saw the answer, it seemed that as she finished laughing her smile had fallen as soon her friends talked among themselves

"(Name)" a deep, demanding voice beckons her over

"Hello Reiji" she smiled walking to him

"Are you alright?" He asked arching an eyebrow at her

"I'm fine, better than ever" she gave him the thumbs up.

Reiji had decided it was best to not comment on anything for now, and that he would rather wait for when they were in private. Looking at the time he gave a small sigh;

"Hurry (Name) we have to attend the home-room, and i would rather not have to wait for you to get out of detention for being late to home-room" he said turning on his heels with a sigh.

(Name) made no protest, she decided she had no sark to be snarky with his slight rudeness. They walked down the hall together, Reiji with his head held high and strong as he paid no attention to the whispering slurs around them. (Name) however, trailing behind him only two steps back; kept her head slightly down and eyes forward, but her fidgeting hands hidden in her pockets desperately trying to push the unwanted thoughts and feelings;

"Oh my god why would Reiji date her? She looks like a boy" said one female studen to her friends

"I feel sorry for him, he must be embarrassed by her" said another

"Yeah, what if some of the guys in the school start spreading roomers about Reiji being gay" another female studen exclaimed

"Ugh does she have no shame" scoffed another 

And the insults just go on and on. Obviously Reiji had heard these slurs before however he paid no attention to them. The only opinion he cared about was that of his girlfriend. With a small look to his girlfriend he could tell that she was bothered, being the observant person he is he could tell she was fidgeting in her pockets and felt anxious; and for his sake kept a strong and unbother expression.

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