Chapter Eleven: The New Place

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Katie's POV:

The words Mom where are we hanged around my mouth. But I knew exactly where we were Sidney Australia, well not exactly because I didn't know if north, south, west or east.

"So are we almost there?" my mom drive down a street, with a couple of houses on it.

"Yeah just in a few..." She was focusing on the house numbers.

"Okay here." She had pulled into a small drive with a medium sized house.

"Can I go in?" I asked carefully.

"Here's the keys, be the first to open it." My mom pasted me the keys to the house. I ran into the house. Opening the large white door.

"Wow amazing!" I yelled through the echoey house.

*A Few Days Later*

"So yeah this place is really amazing." I laughed as I Skype'd with Jay.

"You have to come over in the summer." I shrugged as I laughed.

"So have you heard anything from Luke and the boys?" Jay asked hopeful.

"You know a little texting, but not much after the few days I came here." I frowned, at not much.

"Ahh I thought you would have heard something. Well you know with Luke Hemmings liking you and all." Jay giggled at my face, my face was probably flushed.

"But how do you know for sure Mr. Luke Hemmings likes me?" I asked seriously.

"Come on, its not that hard to notice he likes you." Jay laughed.

"KATIE!" My mom yelled. "Could you come down here are a moment?" my mom yelled again.

"Okay Jay I have to go. Byez Skype tomorrow?" I asked before logging off.

"Yep sure." Jay waved bye. As we both logged off.

"Okay coming!" I yelled back as I through my laptop on my bed. As I walked down the stairs.

"Yes?" I saw my mom hanging around with four figures at the bottom of the stair and out the front door.

"Katie, your friends are here." My mom left the door as I walked closer.

"H-how'd you get here?!" I exclaimed with joy.

"Well ya know don't you?" Ashton and Calum chuckled.

"No I didn't know you were coming." I laughed as I was waving my hand come in.

"Well lets tell her." Michael said walking into the living room.

The Unforgettable (5SOS fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora