Chapter 3

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Paris p.o.v

The bell finally rang and I ran out of class and I got tripped by........diggy

Diggy-where u in a rush to go hoe??

Paris-leave me alone!!

Diggy-and if I don't?

Paris-starts crying*

Diggy-y the fuck r u cryn I just asked a damn question

Paris-runs away*

Diggy-COME BACK HOE!!!!!*chase her*JACOB GET HER!!!

Paris-gets slammed into lockers by Jacob*ow ow ow it hurrts

Jacob-u tryna run hoe?


Jacob *gets onto her face*don't try me hoe*spits n her face and slams her into lockers*


Diggy-kicks her*that's what u get u slut bet u won't run from me again


Jacob leggo diggy

Paris-runs home*

Quinn p.o.v

I walk to my next class looking for Paris.I wonder where she went. I probly see her at lunch.I see diggy walk in and he sits right next to me.

Diggy- hay ma

Quinn-nigga plz

Diggy-u know u want me

Quinn stfu

Diggy-fisty I love it

Quinn-i don't like yo corny ass so fall back nigga anyway where's Paris??

Diggy-her fishy ass left

Quinn -o well g2g

I run to Paris house(she told me where she leaved)and knock on the door.Wow her house is huge a 3story house.soon she opens it.


Quinn-um can we do the makeover now

Paris not in the mood




Paris come in


Paris-are u hungry I have Doritos, Dr pepper, hot Cheetosetc.

Quinn-surre I'll take 1 of each


Quinn-where you room

Paris-last door to the left


a/n sorry I gotta do my math homework I gotta do it cuz I'm failing it so don't tell nobody thank you to Quinn and the rest for following,voting,commenting I love to here ur thoughts and suggestions alwaysss and I have another story called Valentine's girl a roc royal love story and my love a diggy love story and forever a mindless behavior love story I'm thinking about doing a vampire story but I have to many story's going on at the moment so we'll have to wait nightt:-)

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