Ray of Sunshine

19 1 4

*ping ping ping*

I opened my eyes to the noise and it took 10 seconds or so for my eyes to adjust properly. I could feel something poking my ass and my ass stung! What was I doing last night? And then the memories of last night flooded my mind, and I was blushing all colours of the rainbow and grinning like a foolish Cheshire cat. I turned around and saw his angelic face, no crease...just peaceful and angelic. As I sighed in heavenly content and trying to memorise his face like it's my life source, the annoying chime of ping...ping...ping made me jump. "Ugh!" I groaned out loud. A velvet moan escaped his mouth and once again I was drawn in by his beauty. As I leaned forward to help myself to those perfectly gorgeous lips with the butterflies in my stomach doing back flips on the rainbow, the chime came again. I jumped down from the bed cussing and swearing and turned off the damn thing. I looked at the clock and had a mini heart attack. It was 8:45 am and I was supposed to be at work at 8 am!

Let me introduce myself. I'm Raymond King and I'm a nobody. Forget the sophisticated name, I come from a fairly rich home but I was disowned at 15. Imagine that! And I know you all can guess the reason. I'm gay...tada! My dad didn't want anything to tarnish his up and coming reputation and well my mum is his bitch...listens to all he says and never questions his judgement. So when the dude threw me out, his robot was right beside him to sweep my dust out of the house with me. So I became a wanderer, changed my last name to King (duh, who doesn't want to associate with a King?) and here I am, 5 years later, 2nd year university photography student and late for work at the studio where the kind and awesome owner decided to employ me.

So back to the moment, with my back and rear still aching, I moved to the bathroom for my morning routine which involves peeing, brushing my teeth and bathing. But I didn't bathe just yet, I have an adonis to awaken.

"Kyle." I called out gently.

No response.

I moved closer to the bed and tried again.

"Wake up Kyle. I'm late for work and you will be too if you don't get your sexy ass(under my breath) out of bed." I said in one breath. Hopefully he didn't hear that hushed part.

"Did you just call my ass sexy?" He asked in his smooth milky voice (i mean only a god or demi god has that kind of voice when they wake up) as he got up from the bed and towered my 5 ft 7 height with his 6 ft 5 with a devilish smirk on those pretty gorgeous lips. And there I was melted and frozen.

Ok meet Kyle Jenkins. The love of my life, the rainbow in my sky (smiley cat face) and my adonis. We've been going out for a week. I know the question you want to ask right now...'How did a nobody like me get Mr. Adonis right here?' Well I will answer that when I'm focused because right now Mr. Adonis just claimed my lips.

I didn't bother refusing him...oh no. I opened my mouth slightly and accepted him. and then came his tongue (oh his tongue) I can feel little Ray fighting for freedom from the shackles of my pajamas bottom. 'Not now little ray...I have to get to work!' But I dare not break free from this moment, I want to savour it. I stuck out my tongue and we both had a tongue tug of war and he won obviously. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist as we got into a heated and passionate play with our mouth and tongue and our moans trying to out match the other's. Then with dilated pupils we broke free for air...and I mumbled incoherent stuffs and he just looked at me with a grin.

"Skip work today babe. You can call in sick because I don't intend letting you out of my sight today. Besides you deserve a break and I'm sure Monsieur will understand." He said while leaving kisses and hickeys on my neck and cheeks and jaw.

Oh... way to convince me Mister! Well played.

"Why thank you babe." Kyle said with a grin and in that moment I realized I said that out loud.


"Well, duh...you just convinced me."

"Awesome. So where were we?"

And with that, he claimed my mouth once more and moved us to the bed, where he laid me on the edge in a sitting position. He planted himself in between my thighs and while kissing me started the task of freeing Ray junior from my pajamas. He took Ray junior in his hand and started to pump me. I began to moan and writhe my toes in pure ecstasy. Then he stopped kissing my lips and started leaving trails of hot kisses down my chest, to my belly button and then Ray junior. He kissed my pre cum leaking dick and I moaned and whimpered. And he took me in his mouth. With shock waves of excitement running through my body, I grabbed his head to make him take my full dick in his mouth but he removed my hands, shook his index in a 'no no no' sign and place my hands at my sides and gave me a 'keep your hands there' look, all these were done with my dick still in his mouth. I obeyed and continued to enjoy the waves of frustration and excitement as he teased me and took my dick deep in his mouth. I moaned out loud in pure joy thanking whoever it is that created kyle. He started pumping my shaft with his hand and mouth while his other hand played with my nipples.

I was a moaning mess! The excitement building up and sending me to Narnia and back. Then I felt my lower abdomen begin to constrict and I knew I was about to come.

"Oh damn Kyle...I'm gonna cum" I moaned out loud.

"Cum for me babe" He said while pumping me with his hands. Then he started sucking my dick with no hands. Both hands were on my nipples, pinching and caressing and I was seeing stars as I blew into his mouth, moaning, whimpering and shaking like a fish out of water. I heard Kyle swallow as he cleaned me off any sticky stuff with his tongue. He got up and took me in his arms and we were hugging for a while.

I stopped shaking and the slut in me reared his sexy head.

My turn!

......to be continued?

Ok. I finally published something of mine. So if you enjoyed it and want more, let me know.
Note: my first attempt at smut. Heheh.....

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