Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I was in the pool with my little baby sister Laura and baby brother Kanye. "Leigh!" Laura and Kanye shouted as I giggled. "Laura! Kanye!" I said as they clapped there hands. They are one year old tomorrow is there birthday on a Saturday morning. Monday I'm back to school and I get to see Jace. We have been best friends since year two, when he moved here. Everyone thinks he's my boyfriend, but we're not and he's dating my cousin's best friend's sister. Then my dad walks out and he takes Laura and Kayne inside the house. I hopped out of the pool and then I whipped myself. I wrapped my towel around me and I walked inside. Andrew was making dinner because mum told him how to cook before she died giving birth with Laura and Kanye and they are twins too. My dad and mum wanted grandchildren and I promised them I would, but I need to find a right guy first.  I've never ever had nor been in a relationship in my whole life. My dad was in his twenties because he and mum had Andrew and me when they were teenagers. They were high school sweethearts and Andrew had that spot when he was in college. He's married with the girl who was his roommate named Pia. She was coming over for dinner and I walked to my room. I grabbed my clothes and I walked to the bathroom. I had my white shirt that Laura likes and the flower skirt that Kanye likes.


I dried my hair and I put my necklace that mum passed to me for my grandma's mother to my grandma to my mum and now it's to me. I walked to my room and everyone knows it's mine, by the poster of Fifth Harmony with there name and them in the middle of there names. I walked inside and I saw a box with my name on it. "It's was from your mum... She got wanted you to have it". I saw my dad next to me. "I miss her dad". I said as I hugged him. "I know sweetie, I do too". He said as he moved my hair back. I opened the box as I see photos of her and me from small and before she died. I put it on my drawer and I see Laura in her pink dress as she ran to me. I picked her up and I was the honeymoon results and I was fine with that. Then Kanye kicked dad's and he picked him up.

They walked out and I put Laura on my bed. I grabbed a brush and hair ties. I brushed out of her hair and I put two pigtails. "Can I have a hug and kiss?" I asked as she hugged me and kissed my cheek. We walked to the living room to see Kanye tacking Andrew and Laura joined them. I heard the doorbell and I opened it to see Pia. "Hey Pia". I said and we hugged. She went to dad and I shut the door. The twins ran to her and hugged her. "Pea!!" They shouted as we giggled and she kissed Andrew. We sat on the couch and the phone rang as I went to answer it.

Jace: Hello
Me: Jace! What's happening!?
Jace: I'm unpacking my things and my dad took Brain to the vet
Me: What's wrong with him?
Jace: We're not sure and he's been moody lately
Me: Hope it's nothing too serious Jace! He's like my other best friend
Jace: But I'm your number one right?
Me: Yes!... OMFG! I gotta call you back
Jace: Okay, bye

He cut off and I turned off the stove as the water spills out of the pot. I put the phone down, I told dad and he ran into the kitchen. I sat next to Pia and she holds my hand. "I have something to say". Pia paused as I looked at dad. "I'm pregnant". I jumped up and I did my dance. I know I'm a loser and I'm proud of me for being me. "I'm going to be an aunt! Dad going to be a grandpa!" I said as I hugged them. "And I'm going to ultrasound in a few weeks". She said as Andrew holds her in his arms. "It's is to be celebrated now!" Kanye said. He talks a lot now and Laura is slowly starting to talk sentences.

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