In The Beginning

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In the beginning live a world. A world of wonder. In this world lived a person. This person's is unlike anyone else who truly understand what it means to live. This person have been around for awhile the person saw the ups and downs of life and how people can change so quickly do to greed but doesn't mean they don't understand. This person can see the wonder in everything. Never before was there a person just like them this person now your probably asking who this person is but hold on there is a story all you have to do is watch.

~In the beginning~
our person is excited. They look around this new world see thing never saw by this little human being before. The person saw other human beings running or coming and picking them up. One little human came to close scaring the person. The person learn a new emotion call fear. But it didn't last long because the female human which the person knows as mom came to save the day.

~In The Middle~
The person is seeing everything in a new light. The world have not have dulled in anyway. The person's bigger human came running over as they waited for the car to show up. The bigger human is carrying a tinyer human with them. The person learn a new emotion call happiness.

~The End~
Now there is no end. Not yet that is. The person is still breathing, heart still beating, and if your reading this so are you.

Now your probably asking who the person is.

That person is you.

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