Graduation (a Solangelo One Shot)

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{A/N} Just a Solangelo OneShot that I decided to write. Sorry for any spelling errors and typos. Hope you like it <3.........Word Count-736


Today was the day. Nico was finally graduating high school.  Will, however, was in war.  Nico knew he wasn't dead, he would be able to sense it, considering he was a son of Hades.

  Nico was sad that Will wouldn't get to see him graduate, but he knew Will couldn't be there. 

  Nico had been going to Brink High School since the middle of 11th grade. Nico promised to complete high school while Will was in war.

Nico was ready.

He was doing this for Will, and only Will.

Nico heard a knock on his apartment door. He opened the door to find his friends that weren't demigods, Eleanor and Phil. They were driving him to the high school and they were graduating along with Nico. They both had their cap and gown on and were ready to go.

  Nico smiled at them and followed them to the car.  He hopped in the back and started biting his nails, a habit he has when he gets nervous.

"Have you heard from Will?" Phil asks, while keeping his eyes on the road. Phil and Eleanor are the only two people at Brink High School that know about Will.

"No, but I know he's okay, I can sen-," Nico stops himself, they don't know he's a demigod "I mean I just know he's okay, I have that feeling"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Nico." Phil said, with a sad smile

"He's okay!" Nico yelled "I promise! I'll see him soon. He's going to come back one day and be proud of me."

"Okay Nico." Eleanor said back "Whatever you say"

'So much for supportive friends' Nico thinks to himself


When they finally got to the high school, Nico couldn't stop thinking about Will. What if Will wasn't okay? What if Hades is just trying to make me happy?

'Yeah right, like Hades would actually sympathize you."  Nico thought

  Nico stopped thinking about that stuff.  Nico wasn't going to get sad today.  Today was supposed to be a good day!  He wasn't going to ruin it by thinking about bad things.

  Nico walked into the school, smiling. He would never have to come back here ever again. Once Will was back from war then he and Nico could settle down and have a life, with no monsters to worry about and no quests.

  They could even get married, even have a family.  Nico could actually be happy for once.

Nico took his seat which was a few rows in front of Eleanor and Phil. Their last names both started with S. Nico was in the "D" section, and while he was looking around the room he saw 8 people he recognized.

Those people being Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Piper, and Reyna.

Nico smiled and waved at them. He was excited that they were here.  If Will couldn't be here then at least they could be.

"Everyone please take your seats and settle down." Mr. Knight, a teacher, said "We will be starting soon."


After many speeches were given, it was time to give out the diplomas. One by one people's names started being called. By the time it was at "C" Nico was getting bored. All he wanted to do was see Will again.

When they finally called Nico di Angelo there were screams and loud clapping from one part of the crowd. Nico glared at his 8 friends, but they didn't stop. Nico was kind of happy they didn't, it made him feel appreciated.

Nico went and stood next to the Principal Mr. Gallager. Percy and Annabeth looked really excited. Piper and Jason were holding each other's hands and smiling. Leo was chuckling. Reyna was hiding a smile. Hazel and Frank were smiling and whispering to each other. Nico wasn't sure why.

When Nico was shaking Mr. Gallager's hand, someone came up and hugged him from behind. At first Nico was thinking it was Hazel or Reyna. But when he turned around it was even better.

It was his love, Will.

Nico smiled and jumped into Will's arms while crying tears of joy. Nico's fellow classmates looked quite confused, but soon joined in on the clapping started by Hazel and Percy.

"I love you, Death Boy"

"I love you too, Sunshine"

And with that they kissed, not caring about a single thing in the world. Except each other.

And that was all they needed.

Graduation (Solangelo One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now