Entry 5.....Voice

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It is one in the morning. I have awoken to something utterly dreadful. The sounds at night stir me awake. It chills my soul that I am being watched. I feel it now as I write these emotions. It bores into my back and I think it can see all the blood on my hands.

I can hear its nails digging into the wooden walls on the far side of the room. I can hear its laugh in my head. The evil, twisted laugh that sounded like fire and ash. The very thought of what It might look like was degrading and horrific.

Incan hear its voice, calling me. I will try to write down as many as every conversation I will most definitely have with the monster. These conversations will be replaced with a more definable title in this book. It hasn't said anything yet. I hope for the sake of myself. It speaks tomorrow.

Commander Taylor
Of the SI:7

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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