Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Arthur decided to stay behind, and Rose was slightly relieved to hear it. She knew Arthur was worked up and probably hadn't meant all he said, but she still wasn't ready to spend the evening with him. She rode into town in the middle of the bench seat wedged between Forrest and Peter.

They parked in front of the diner and went in. Rose had thought she had seen the extent of shock when she had brought Arthur into the café for lunch. Now however, the café was packed. Most of the tables were taken and nearly every eye in the place went to them as a hush fell over the room.

Peter leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "A bit much, don't you think?" he joked softly.

Rose just shook her head. Mrs. Avery was frozen behind the counter, her eyes never wavering from Forrest standing in her door as though it were the second coming of Christ.

Rose popped around Forrest and approached the counter. "Hi Mrs. Avery, so good to see you again."

"You too dear," Mrs. Avery responded automatically, her eyes still on the boys.

"I hope you don't mind. Arthur raved so much about our lunch here to his brothers they demanded I bring them here themselves."

Mrs. Avery's eyes darted to her in concern and Rose realized she had made a mistake in her word choice. She covered it by flashing the smile she learned from Arthur. "Arthur was devastated he was unable to join us. He talked about your pecan pie for days."

Mrs. Avery turned her full attention to Rose and nodded then. She grabbed three menus from behind the counter and handed them to Rose. "Y'all can take the booth in corner," she said with a jerk of her chin in that direction.

Rose smiled demurely. "Thank you so much."

"Specials meatloaf. Can I get you sweet tea dear?"

Rose leaned forward, her hand going dramatically to her chest. "That would be lovely."

"Do they drink tea?" Mrs. Avery hedged.

Rose giggled like a school girl. "Of course. Especially your tea," she said with a grin.

Forrest slid into the booth so Rose was on the outside. It surprised her at first but when Mrs. Avery came to take their order she understood. Forrest kept himself pushed back against the wall and his head down staring at his menu. Rose was amazed by the amount of fear from these people. They all kept stealing glances at their table. When Mrs. Avery came to take their order Peter flashed her a smile. Forrest made an effort to speak softly and did his version of not appearing intimidating which was to be still and quiet. It didn't work.

Once Mrs. Avery slunk off to the kitchen Rose slapped at Forrest's arm. "You could try smiling you know," she said quietly.

Forrest took a drink from his tea.

Peter leaned forward. "Believe it or not it gets worse when he smiles."

Rose shook her head and glanced back at the room. This was going to be a long dinner.


After dinner Rose and Forrest walked arm in arm back towards the truck. They had left Peter in the diner talking to the very enthusiastic Anna. Only Anna had been brave enough to approach them. She had come over to the table with her wide grin, her eyes darting from Peter to Forrest. Peter and Anna had hit it off, chatting over the side of the booth and Peter had offered to walk her back to the boarding house once they finished eating. Rather than wait and continue to make everyone uncomfortable Rose had suggested she and Forrest go for a walk.

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