Part 3

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Gundam 00 and B Daman's P.O.V

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!!!" sang Riki, dancing around. Samuru sighed and face palmed himself, Lockon gave an apologetic smile and emo....thing. Yeah, the emo thing. Setsuna's doing the emo thing.

"SHUT UP, RIKI!!" shrieked poor Samuru, who was slowly going insane from the....constant singing from Riki. How did Riki even started singing? Well......he got bored and decided to sing songs in a off-tune voice. And it is horrible. Even worse then Neemon's brain damage, if you ask me.

"Who's Neemon?" asked Lockon. Oh...umm.....I'll explain it to you later. Having fun, by the way? "Not....exactly." feel bad for you now. "Where is Gundam?" Setsuna......please don't ask about that right now. Great job on a three word question, by the way. Setsuna gave a confused look, shrugged and looked around for his....'God'.

Now Riki's singing 'Roar'. "LiKe A tIgEr, DaNCinG THrouGh tHe fIrE..."

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" everyone shouted, excluding Setsuna, who was still looking for his 'God'. "SHUT UP!!!!"

"There is no God," stated Setsuna blankly. We get it, Setsuna, we get it. If no one knows, Setsuna....firmly believes that Gundam is a.....God.

"'s just an expression, Setsuna," explained Lockon to the still growing up teenager.

Samuru was still shrieking from the top of his lungs to tell Riki to shut up. And Riki.....he's still singing. Boy, he's got guts, ya know? I mean, he's still oblivious to Samuru's rising temper that could explode any minute. On the other hand, I think he does know Samuru's about to lose it. Oh boy.

Lockon scratched his head awkwardly as he gazed at his comrades that are all younger than him. I never mentioned Lockon was 24, right? Well....somewhere between least.

"Oi! How'd you find out my age?!"

That was your age? I marked a bull's eye! Yes! I began dancing around, away from the camera, with everyone staring at me as if I was a crazy person. What? You can't dance?

"It's not that," stated Lockon, pointing towards the distance. Oh yes, two people seemed to be arguing with each other. Oh! It must be the-

"COME ON, SAMURU!!!" cried Riki as he dragged Samuru to the newcomers. Lockon grabbed Setsuna's hand and dragged him along, too. Hey! Wait for me!

Digimon Frontier's P.O.V

Takuya scratched his head as he sat on the ground looking for Kouji. "Hey, Kouji!" shouted Takuya, still oblivious to the emo boy- "I AM NOT AN EMO!"

Okay, okay, sheesh.....anywho, Takuya was still oblivious to the....umm....angry boy underneath him. Emo suits him better. Kouji growled, signalling Takuya. He looked down and saw the emo- "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!"- excuse me, the angry boy underneath him.

"OMG, Kouji!" yelped Takuya, jumping off his emo- "WILL YOU PLEASE STOP CALLING ME THAT WORD?!" - excuse me once more, angry friend. Sheesh, can't anyone have good manners?

"So, who are you?" asked Takuya. Oh, me? Uh.....I really don't know how to explain-

"Why do you keep calling me an emo?!" shrieked Kouji. Will you please stop interrupting me? Anywho, my name is Rain, and I'm the director/author of this movie/story. There, done. Sheesh. Couldn't you guys let me finish my sentence?



Um....hey! Cameraman! We're moving to the part where they meet everyone else! Get to it!

"WHAT?!" the DigiDestined yelled as I sprinted away.....again.

Everyone's P.O.V

"Hi!" shouted Riki. Samuru, Setsuna, and Lockon shrugged as the two 'newcomers' looked at them, confused. Yeah, probably asking why is it always me.

"Hey, Samuru," grumbled Kouji. Wait, you guys know each other?

"Yes, unfortunately," sighed Samuru., while Samuru and Kouji relieved their emo- "STOP CALLING US EMOS!!" -uh...'very happy' memories of each other, I have no idea what they have each other in, Setsuna was still looking for his....'God'.

"Hey, emo!" called Takuya to Setsuna. Setsuna turned around and glared a...uh....emo glare, one that's very emo, at Takuya. He gulped and continued his sentence. "Whatcha looking for?"


"What's Gundam?"

"Gundam is God." Wow....a three word sentence! Give him a round of applause!

Takuya blinked. "I don't get it." Uh.....probably best if you don't know and-

A CRASH was heard and......LeafyKitsune , BlueSapphire718 and Skylar went down crashing onto our terrible heroes, wait, WHAT?! Strabi (LeafyKitsune ), Sapphire (BlueSapphire718 ) and Skylar looked around in wonder, before their eyes landed on our terrible heroes.

"YES!" cried Sapphire, jumping around in excitement. "We made it!" did you get here? "Using Skylar's teleporter," answered Strabi. Okay.....warning: Takuya's brain might become.....stupid when Strabi's here. No offence. Since Strabi's an author, she has an incredible power to make Takuya stupid. Is that a good enough of an explanation for you guys? No? Then read her stories! They're amazing!

"NOOOO!!! NOT STRABI!!!" screamed Kouji, making everyone cover their eyes. Ow! Shut up, Kouji! During the meantime, Takuya was.....devouring a baby- wait, WHAT?! Skylar wrestled away the baby, throwing it to crew. Yeah, the movie crew.

"So who are they?" questioned Lockon. Oh, boy, this is going to take a while to explain.

*After explaining everything*

"Let me get this straight," began Lockon, "you, Strabi, and Sapphire are authors and you guys prefer to torture some of us, and we're what? Anime characters, or whatever we are? And....some of you guys met before?"

The authors, including me, nodded. "That's right," stated Sapphire, "and Skylar!"

"What?" shouted Skylar, chasing her emo- "Call me that one more time, Rain, and you're dead." -uh...annoying twin brother. Wait, stop making death threats to me, Samuru!

"Shut the h*** up!" Don't curse, either!

"Takuya," muttered Kouji, as the now stupid idiot started dancing around with a.....what is Takuya even wearing? "A bikini, Rain, why do you have one here?"

I didn't know that I had one here! Why do you even blame me?! "Because you're the author of this story!"

Sapphire and Strabi are authors, too, and they didn't do it! I didn't do it! Kouji crossed his arms, glaring at me, and screamed like the girl he is when Takuya....uh....gave him some.....eww! That smells! Everyone plugged their nose as Takuya's fart slithered through the air. Ugh. I think I'm gonna faint.

"Same, here," retorted everyone, "think we never noticed?" is gonna take a while to settle down. "Agreed," chanted Sapphire and Strabi. Yeah....


So sorry for not uploading this in a while!

Sapphire: Next time,

Strabi: We're all meeting...

Everyone else: The LBX players!

Setsuna: Gundam!

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