The camping trip

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Nanami POV
   Thunder screamed as a light flashed viciously over our tent. I shivered like a penny forced onto a block of dry ice.
   "Nanami, stop over reacting. It's not too bad..." Tomoe groaned as he unscrewed the cap of a water bottle.
   "It's scary! Don't judge me!" I snapped glaring at him. He looked away looking annoyed.
   "Tomoe-kun, don't be so mean. We all know that Nanami-chan is a scaredy cat and as weak as a tooth pick!" Mizuki cheered as he started to prepare the sleeping bags. A wave of anger flooded me, due to Mizuki's statement. The lights flickered off. What the... A bright blue light flickered on next to me. A pale face, contrasted deeply by a bright light held under neath the chin popped out next to me.
    "AHHHH! G-GHOST!!!!" I screeched throwing the blankets over me in a great motion of panic. My shivering increased. The glowing face smirked and explained,
   "Out here in the forest at night, a ghost like this, could appear," the main tent light flicked back on and the light source under the face's chin (which turned out to be a flash light) shut off. "So, if you ever get scared, just hold onto me!" The face added. The face belonged to Mizuki. I didn't recognize the face when the flashlight was under it because the flashlight made him look demented. The deep shadows that hung below his eyes, his glowing pupils and contrasted cheek bones turned out to be all an illusion, all due to the lighting. "I'll protect you!" Mizuki promised holding my hand gently. Tomoe felt a bit of anger inside.
   "Non sense! you can hug ME when you're scared Nanami, that stupid snake is too weak."
   "Is that so Tomoe-kun, or should I call you 'ex-boyfriend'? I know that deep inside, you're terrified of ghosts."
  "Urusei! That's not true!" Mizuki smirked devilishly at Tomoe's reply. They continued to fight while I was still shivering under that thin piece of blanket. What if there really was a ghost...?

Normal POV:
A bright picnic table was set outside. Mizuki cooked a boiling pot over a fire that Tomoe started with his kitsunebi. Nanami let out a big yawn as she crawled out of the three person tent.
   "Ohayougozaimasu (good morning)!" Mizuki remarked in a childish cheery manner. She smiled greeting him back. She scanned the environment trying to hunt for Tomoe.
   "Mizuki, where's Tomoe?"
   "Tomoe-kun is out picking berries and hunting for fish."
   "Ok." Nanami stepped towards Mizuki giving him a light kiss on the cheek. He blushed as he grew a small friendly smile.
   "Yes?" Warm lips pressed against Nanami's lips. Quivers shot down her spine as her cheeks reddened with blush.
   "I caught a fish in a stream nearby!" Tomoe leaped out of the bushes, his fingers wrapped around a juicy silver fish. Nanami and Mizuki parted, pulling apart their kiss as fast as possible; both looking away from eachother slightly embarrast. A basket of fresh red berries  were placed on the orange picnic blanket along with a pile of shiitake mushroom. "I got them just for you Nanami." Tomoe cackled like the devil shoving the pile in Nanami's face. In a blink of an eye, a giant white snake swallowed all the mushrooms in one bite. A bowl of soup hammered onto the laughing Tomoe sending him to crash onto the ground.
   "Here's your breakfast Tomoe-kun!" Mizuki placed a fake smile to cover his anger while digging the bowl into Tomoe's head. Nanami sweat dropped.
    Birds sang a beautiful melody as they glided along the wind. They danced over us circling the clouds in a big WHOOSH! The three gobbled down the soup, fish, and berries.
   "It's a beautiful day!" Nanami gasped looking at the smiling sun. Mizuki wrapped his fingers around Nanami's hand, pulling her close to him. "What should we do together?" She said as she smiled at her love and tightened her grip around his hand.
   "We could go hiking." Tomoe suggested pulling out a map. "There's plenty if trails here."
   "I heard that there's a river rafting event that's held in the rivers nearby!" Mizuki added as his fingers dipped into Nanami's soft hair. He gently stroke it. Tomoe tensed up with jealousy.
   "River rafting and hiking... Both sound good! Let's do both!" Nanami proclaimed. The three packed up and headed straight to a trail that leads to a nearby river.

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