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I walked down a road.

I tried I walk as slow as I can, dreading the fact that I got much closer to the hellhole I called home.

I hated it. It want right for me.

Just reminded me of the little chances I had in making my mother proud.

I kept walking down, looking at the houses in the neighborhood.

Step. Step.

Getting closer.

Step. Step.


I pulled the keys to my house out of my pocket.

Step. Step.

I unlocked the door and I realized, there was nobody there.

I sighed in relief as I slowly stepped inside, making sure I hadn't confused the silence to emptiness.

I walked into my room and set my backpack down.

I climbed the ladder to my bed and fall on my back. The silence was nice.

I looked at my plant that hung on my wall. The container that surrounded the plant was made of glass.

It had a hole that allowed me to spray the water I kept under my pillow.

I sighed and heard a voice. But not really.

It was an imaginary friend I had.

I talked to this imaginary friend for about two years now. But it started when I was only five.

I had always told people that I had an imaginary angel, that I now identify as Blew.

I know I'm crazy.

But who knows. I may just have too much imagination.

I sigh and slowly sit up. I heard the voice again.

"Phantom, can I have some peace and silence for about 5 minutes?"

"Sorry dear, but your mother isn't home."

I sat and thought about how my mom ISN'T here and I smiled.

"Where are you going with this?"

"Food! You hardly ate today, Dee!"

"I hardly eat everyday, don't be surprised."

It was quite for about a minute until I gave in and climbed down my ladder. I walked into the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator and looked around, trying to find something small to eat, but something that will get me full.

Chicken nuggets.

I paused and stared at the bag.

"Oh come on Dee! Just take about 10! That should fill you up!" I heard Phantom yell.

"I-I can't."

I grabbed 5. "This should be ok."

Phantom rolled his eyes and "sat" on a chair.

I heated the nuggets up and took out the ketchup. Along with mustard. Yes. I like them with mustard.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I opened the microwave and placed the nuggets on the table. I poured some mustard and ketchup on the side.

I sat down and ate. I smiled a little and looked for something to drink. Nothing.

I sighed and grabbed some water from the sink.

I drank that.

I finished up and washed my plate. I trotted into my room and sat down, putting my knees on my chest.

I Woke up to AmnesiaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat