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I woke up to the sound of someone slowly walking up the stairs.

Our apartment has about 16 steps you need to walk.

It tires us but now, it's just natural.

I heard about three knocks, the sound of the metal being echoed throughout the apartment.

I got up and unlocked the two doors we had. Wood. Metal.

My mother stood there, looking at her nails and son shifted her eyes to me.

"Thank you."

I nod, shivers going down my spine.

As soon as she came in, I closed the doors.

I had to do that everyday,

I move out of the way and go back to the room. I lay on my top bunk.

All I heard were the sounds of my mother clicking at the keyboard buttons on her iPhone.

Click. Click. Click.

I sighed and turned to my plant.

Wall-E was what came into my mind. The way he found the plant in a refrigerator, how he took care of it, and how he had to go through so much to keep it safe.

I loved that movie. My favorite.

I turned on my phone and stared at the screen. Nothing.


I look out of my window and see a cat sitting on the top of a fence.

Cute kitty.

I sigh and hear my mom walk into the room.

"Girl, can you hear me calling you?"

I look at my mom. I hadn't heard her say my name.

"You called me?"


I got out of my bed and went to her.

"What is it m'am?"

She glared at me and slapped me. Hard.

"Don't ever speak that way to me you understand?"

I kept my head down. I didn't want to respond.

"Yes," I muttered.

She nodded and never told me what she wanted.


I felt bad about everything. I try to prove my point to someone but it leads me to getting hurt.

I try to take my mind off it and for a moment, I did.

Didn't last long.

I checked the time.


I changed into clothes that were comfortable for me to sleep in.

I looked at the mirror and noticed I had a little bruise on my cheek.


I climbed up my bed stairs and rested, not falling asleep.

I started talking to my friend Flame.

Correction, he's actually my boyfriend. We've been together in secret.

We didn't like the idea of keeping it in but we had to or it would've been odd at school.

I texted for about 20 minutes and heard footsteps. I quickly turned my phone off and put it under my pillow.

I wasn't fast enough.

My mother came over to me and yelled.

"Give my that fucking phone!"

I started to refuse and I took my phone from under my pillow.


She grabbed my arm and took my phone from my hand.

I yelled at her no, please, don't.

But she ignored me.

It's all my fault.

All of it.

I tried telling myself not to cry. I slapped myself, so that not one year falls down.

I couldn't keep it in.

I cried a river.

I grabbed scissors and tries so hard to pretend my skin was paper.

When I saw blood, I smiled through my tears.

I didn't sleep.

I Woke up to AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now