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Suga moved back very slowly. As if he was having a time breaking away from you. His eyes was wide from the shock but you didn't dare look at him. You couldn't. Not with him still so close, unnoticeably licking his lips as he try to figure out what just transpired.

"I'm s-"

You quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear whatever he was going to say.

"I need to go inside."

You take a glance up at his arm that was still blocking your way to the apartments complex. Taking the hint, he moved his arm and took a couple steps back from you.

"Yeah, I need to go too."

You nearly ran into you complex leaving him, still completely stunned outside. You didn't even look back to see if he had started to walk home. You just got in you apartment and threw yourself into you bed. Burrowing your face into your pillow.

What the hell just happened?

You heart wouldn't stop, your ears burned red and breathing made you feel like you just ran a marathon.

There was no way you were gonna sleep tonight.

Your day at the BigHit Studio starts a little later than the Bangtan boys. By the time you woke up, they were already at practice. So you didn't really have to worry about running into them at the office. Which, after what happened the night before. You were thankful. You couldn't face Suga. Not today, not without proper time to think.

Today, The manager basically ran meetings about the concert in brazil,the interviews and our flights.

"We're you able to run through the script with the boys Y/N?"

"Uh-h. Yeah."

He caught you off guard. In the middle of the meeting in front of the rest of the staff meeting.

"How did they do?"

You to kept you composer as you spoke.

"Good, they are actually quick learners. But it would be best to do another quick run through the day of the interview."

"I'll have that arranged."
"How about you? This is your first big assignment in this agency. I hope it's not to overwhelming?"

He has no idea.

"Not at all, I happy that you are providing me with this experience and I hope I do well during this assignment."
You made a respectful bow as you spoke.

The staff member giggled at your over politeness.

"I don't imagine you will disappoint us. There's no need to be overly formal, we are all a team here. Keep up the good work."

The manager then dismissed us, telling everyone to pack up and be rested for your travels tomorrow.

You were excited to leave. The faster you left the studio and went home, likelihood that you would see Suga would be diminish. You really didn't want to see him. Yet every time you thought of him, the kiss would replay in your head like a cinema movie. Making your stomach flutter. More than flutter actually, the butterflies felt like carnivores eating away at you. You almost wanted to see him.


You hear a voice and instantly wanted to run.

No no no i cant see him!

"Noona! Why are you in a hurry?"

Luckily it was Taehyung. And just Taehyung.
You pause and waited for him to catch up to you. You couldn't deny that something about Tae's smile would warm you up inside.

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