Kai's Doom (Lunar Chronicles Fan Fic)

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Emperor Kai paced around in his room. The headline echoed in his head.

Linh Cinder, Lunar fugitive, escapes prison......

Cinder. Cinder. Cinder, the mechanic. The girl so easy to talk to. Cinder the cyborg.  Cinder the Lunar.... Kai realized he was echoing her name. He bit his lip. He shouldn't be thinking about her. Kai plopped down on his bed tore his gaze to his desk. The mechanical foot still stood there. Cinder' s foot. Flashbacks began to play in his head.

Cinder' s terror-filled eyes as her hand pointed the gun...to her temple.

Her scream as she wretched her arm and gun away... 

Kai blinked.  Wait a minute. How did Cinder do that? How did she divert Queen Levana' s power away? Queen Levana would have "pulled the trigger", no doubt in that, Kai thought.

And how did Cinder see through Levana' s glamour?

Questions flooded his head. Kai stood up and stormed down the hallway. He needed to think. Cinder was no ordinary girl, fugitive, or Lunar, and he was certain. Voices came from the door ahead, from the  cursed Lunars' room. Without thinking Kai stopped at the door.

"....calm down, my queen" said Sybil' s ice cold voice. "There is no need to worry. The girl-"

"The girl!" Queen Levana screeched. "Oh....Sybil, she is more than just a girl..." she spat out every word in hatred. To Kai's suprise, her voice was still lovely, but not as much.

"The girl doesn't even know who she truly is. She's afraid of you. And the chances are that she will not find out that she is Princess Selene."

Princess Selene? Kai' s eyes widened. Immediately he made a vow to find her. Cinder.  Now Princess Selene. 

"...not speak her name again. It is far more important to me that dear Emperor Kai doesn't find out about the girl' s true identity."

The floor swayed. Cinder was the Princess Selene! The Lunar heir to the throne! And to think he was searching for her all these years... The floor continued to sway, and Kai suddenly slumped against the wall.


Kai cringed and hoped they didn't hear that.

There was a pause, and still no one said anything else. Dead silence filled the corridor.  Kai found himself foolishly frozen, with the naive thought they heard nothing.  He could barely hear soft foot steps inside.  Kai' s throat tightened. His stomach flipped over. She knew.

She knew he was there.

Kai could almost imagine Levana slowly and silently opening the door.Panic seized him as he bolted to his room. The hallway blurred past him. The door slammed behind him. Panting, he stumbled over to his desk.  He fumbled to open the drawer.

He made the his first mistake by not locking the door.

And made the second when he took out a gun.

Time crawled by, as if the Queen was purposely waiting. And she probably was.

The door slowly creaked open.

Even though he couldn't see them, he knew they were there.  Kai tensed as his arm slowly reached out to his desk. His arm had its own mind now. Slowly it reached over to the gun. It took hold and his arm slowly curled over to his forehead. Kai gulped.

"Why, hello my dear emperor," said Queen Levana, her voice sickingly smooth.  "It's seems that you have...learned some information?"

He may never see Cinder again.

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