Part Two

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...PART 2...

Kai's breath became ragged as she stood there, not saying anything else. Why wasn't anyone walking down the hallway? he wondered, but then he instantly knew.

Of course no one was walking down the hallways.

It wasn't sheer luck, though. The hidden cameras. The Queen knew everything-saw everything-that happened in the castle. Kai smiled to himself. Obviously not everything.  Apparently she did not see him quick enough to shut her mouth. And if she did, Kai would had never truly believed there was a living, breathing hope that she would not become empress.

A little laugh gurgled up through his throat as he realized something. He hoped the small sound sounded defeaning.

"Ha! You can't kill me before you become empress!" He blurted out suddenly. His tounge felt like it was made of lead. "Kill me, and you never will."

"I won't. Yet." Her voice was deadly sharp.

Kai slowly turned towards her, and remembered that if he was the emperor, he should act like one too; not like a coward. But before he could say anymore, they all left the room. The gun dropped to the ground just as the door closed. He sighed and fell back down onto his bead.

Another attempt to show up to Her Majesty squashed. Again.

Kai rubbed the once-traitorous hand. He should've felt shaken, but his mind was roaming instead. Why didn't he kill her? Sure, he thought, she would never be empress, but there had to be another reason. Now that he was alive, he could spread the news everywhere!  She wouldn't let him go so easily... Then realization hit him.

He studied the walls intently. If he were to tell someone, anyone, Her Majesty would dispatch them quickly so the truth wouldn't spread. If he were to broadcast it through the net, no one would believe him. They would just think he was just playing favorites and trying to save Cinder. After all, he did invite her to the ball...

Besides, Levana would definitely start a war when enough people knew. He shuddered at the thought of the wolf-men attacking, costing so many Earthen lives again. Kai stood up and tried to regain his composure. Every second that passed by brought him closer to the marriage. He couldn't waste anymore time. He walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked from the outside. Sybil must've done something to it. He cursed and kicked the door. He clenched his fists from the pain as he commed someone to open the door.

Even though Kai couldn't tell anyone, he could do something.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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