Chapter 6:Run

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Lucy's POV

"Why did you run out of the classroom while I'm discussing?"Sir.Gildarts scolded me

"Sorry sir,I'll promise! I'll never do that again"I said then bowed

"Good"Sir Gildarts said then left

I was scolded by Sir Gildarts,I can't believe it! It was the first time I've ever been scolded by our teacher

Specially Sir Gildarts is one of the most greatest teachers and apparently He was the school's Vice principal

Can this day get any better?=_=

Firstly, I payed $1,000 dollars because of Natsu

Secondly, I dreamt about Natsu

Thirdly, I got scolded because of Natsu

Ever since I met that boy,Things became worst an worst


I sighed in dissapointment

This isn't me

I was about to left the classroom then I saw Natsu"Luce, Whassap?"

I quickly pinched his cheeks

"Aw,Luce that hurts!"His eyes turned into puppy eyes

"You! You have to pay me $1,000 dollars!"I shouted

Gladly we're the only one who's in the classroom

"Why?"He asked

"In the Love & Lucky shop,You said you'll treat me,But in the end I was the one who pays"I said

"Oh--I can't remember something like that"Then he looks at other direction while whistling

I know that he lied so I quickly pinched his cheeks again then It turned red

"What was that for?"He said while touching his left cheek

"Pay up!"I said while lending my hand

"No,Catch me if you can!"He said then runs

"You're dead!"Then I chased him

We keep running on the hallway

"No running in the hallway!"I heard a familiar voice

Its......Sir Gildarts!

Am I getting scolded again?

Natsu and I looked each other then Natsu grinned

He quickly hold my hand then dragged me while running fast

"You don't want to go in the guidance,right?"He smiled

"Of course!"Then we start running while holding hands away from Sir.Gildarts

Gildarts POV
Aren't they such a cute couple?

Hey Guys! I'll update the next chapter This Friday or Saturday!Anyways,Hope you enjoy reading!


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