did he know

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Did he know, that I knew that this was more than 'I just enjoy it'?

Did he know, that I knew that every single day, at the exact same spot everyday, at 2:34pm he would stand there for 7 minutes and 21 seconds?

Did he know that he's been doing this for exactly 2 years and 84 days?

Did he know after 5 minutes, 10 seconds he'd let that stick linger in the middle of his fingers, letting the ash escape into the air and on the ground turning into complete dust.

Did he know I existed, because single day I'd walk past, not for him. But for the fact that I also have a routine and have a schedule?

Did he know that I'm real, that we've spoken before. 458 days, each one a different conversation, one slightly deep and meaningful or silly and light hearted?

Did he know that I fell for him?

Did he know that every time, every single time I see it placed on his bottom lip, my heart shatters.

Did he know? Because today, it seemed as if he forgot. He wasn't here at 2:34pm or 2:40pm or 2:50pm. He didn't come at all.

Did he know I waited? I waited all day, but he wasn't here and he wasn't coming.

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