The Meeting

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Grace held the girl, nestled into the warmth of Grace's neck, with one arm, with the other free hand digging for her keys. After what seemed like eternity, she finally opened the door. She stumbled into the house, still holding on to the girl. Grace locked the door and threw the keys on the floor before carrying the girl to her couch. She removed her hands from beneath the girl's legs and stood back to catch her breath. She noticed how awkward the girl's position was, with her arms dangling out of the edge of the couch. She sighed and decided to bring her in to her bedroom instead. Grace was normally a clean freak, not allowing anyone to get on her bed without showering, but this time she just somehow made an exception and carried the girl who was reeking of alcohol, into her bedroom and
carefully set her down on her bed. Grace brushed the fringe off the girl's face and it was then when she noticed the tear streaks around her eyes.

Grace used her thumb to wipe the black marks off and tucked the girl in before leaving the room. She still had a lot of work to do, including three presentation slides she had to prepare by morning for a very important meeting with the panel, and the thing is...she haven't even started yet. "This is going to be a long night" Grace sighed, before settling down in front of her computer.

Hannah jolted up when she heard a door slam close. She looked around and didn't recognise the bedroom she was in. She rubbed her head and winced at the throbbing pain in her head.

She drank wayyy too much last night.

Hannah panicked for a moment, unsure if she had an one-night stand with any girls in the club last night. But she was still fully clothed, with no signs know.. heated passion. Hannah cautiously placed her feet onto the floor, as if the floor was lava.

Hannah walked slowly towards the door and turned the doorknob. She opened the door slightly and popped her head through the opening and asked "um..hello?" But all she was met with was...silence. Hannah took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

Well, the house was big, but extremely messy, with shirts strewn all over the floor and papers jutting out of drawers. Hannah stepped over a few shirts and said it again. "Hello..o?"

She opened all the doors of the house but not a single soul was in sight. Hannah started panicking as all the possible horrifying thought engulfed her mind. Just then, she saw a note on the dining table and went over to take a closer look.


Hey girl from the alive club! You called me yesterday mistaking me for your friend and I got you back to my house since you were completely passed out. I think you had too much to drink last night, if your headache is really bad, I suggest you order soup, at least it worked for me last time. I probably won't be back until very late at night and I figured you'll want to go home first, so I left the spare keys on the couch. Don't worry about it, you can return it to me anytime. Hope you're feeling better now. Don't drink so much the next time, it's dangerous for a girl to drink that much that late.

-Grace (yes I'm a girl don't worry)

The sides of Hannah's lips started to curl upwards and she smiled. The memories of last night started flooding back to her and she remembered the reasons why she even drank in the first place and just like that, she broke down once again.


"Alright, the dateline for the draft would be tomorrow. Do a good job guys, let's make this a success!" Grace said to her team, before placing her hands together, signalling the end of the briefing. She was met with applause and she smiled at them before walking to the door and opening it up for them. Grace gave a light pat on each of their shoulders when they walked out, hoping it'd somehow give them confidence. After they cleared the room, Grace plopped down on one of her chairs, burying her head into her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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