adore you. → falling.

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( adore you

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( adore you. — finale! )

☽ ☾

          AYDEN HAS LOST TRACK OF THE AMOUNT OF SHOTS the group had made her take. they'd all shown up at her apartment to "surprise" her while she was in her room getting ready. she'd heard them all giggling ind shushing each other from her bedroom but she put on her best shocked face when she emerged, dressed and ready to be dragged to whatever bar they had in mind. laura had made sure they all took a group photo before they left and their faces were too flushed from alcohol. but ayden was fairly certain that her face (and tom's) were bright red anyway considering laura had pressed the two of them together in the middle of the line of friends. she'd made a mental note to kill her best friend later on.

but now here they were. in a crowded bar, pressed against each other and ayden's vision was blurred at the edges. she could smell sweat and the faint scent of men's cologne as she danced with harry and tom. zendaya and laura were off getting drinks for the group and she'd lost sight of tony and jacob a little while ago. she assumed that they'd gone in search a girl or they'd both already found one. she chuckled to herself at the the thought and turned her head as she heard a familiar whistle from behind her. she watched as daya and laura squeezed through the crowd towards the three of them, drinks clutched in their hands. ayden smiled and reached for one of the purple coloured drinks in daya's hand as she handed the other two to harry and tom. laura passed one of hers to the dark haired girl and daya grinned. "what is this?" harry asked, practically shouting in order to be heard over the music. zendaya shrugged. "i asked him to make something pretty so here we are."

tom took a swig and immediately pulled a face the moment the liquid went down his throat. "it's fucking sour. and really strong. jesus daya are you trying to kill us?" he said and the girl let out a laugh. "it's not everyday you turn 27 and i'm determined to make ayden unable to walk by the end of the night" laura said as she took a sip of her own drink. "i think i'm not gonna be able to walk after this one" tom said and quickly finished his drink, his face contorting into a disgusted expression once more. "go sit down then granpa" ayden said, elbowing his side jokingly before downing her own purple concoction. tom was right, it was sour. and really really strong. "granpa? you're two years older than me!" tom protested and the group laughed.

          ANOTHER HOUR HAD PASSED. tony and jacob had called it a night, both too drunk to take anyone home but each other and ayden chuckled as she watched the two of them stumble out of the club, leaning against one another. laura had attracted the attention of a very nice looking guy and ayden thought she'd spotted the two of them in a dark booth on that back wall. she didn't dare take a second glance just incase something was going on back there. tom had disappeared a few minutes ago and if she was being completely honest, she didn't have a clue where zendaya was. she felt a little bad for not keeping a good enough eye on her friends but she kept reminding herself that this was her birthday night and they wouldn't want her to do that anyway.

she felt warm all over as she danced beside harry, their fingers brushing against each other as they were pushed closer together by the throbbing crowd of people. she was thrown into the blonde boy when someone behind her took too many steps backwards. she turned to shoot them a pointed look and then turned back to her friend. he laughed a little and steadied her, fingers wrapping around her hip as she stood a little more upright. she didn't talk to harry much, but he was always so nice to her. always making her laugh and making sure she was comfortable wherever she was. she wondered if there was little more than friendship in his eyes as she stared at him. she felt hot. flushed. her vision was quite blurred but she seemed to zone in on harry. harry and his bright blue eyes. "are you okay?" he asked and she nodded. she only just realised that his hand was still on her hip and that she was clutching at his bicep. "are you sure? we can get off the floor. go get you some water?" she shook her head and laughed a little.

water was the last thing she wanted.. she didn't want to dull the warm buzz that was running through her body at the moment. "i'm good. let's just dance" she said and the blonde boy smiled in response, his hand still not leaving her hip as she let her hand drop from his upper arm to rest at his out stretched wrist. it felt nice and she wasn't thinking as she moved an inch closer to him, until their bodies were practically pressed together.  "ayden" harry said, his eyes staring into hers and his mouth set in a firm line. "yes?" she asked, looking up at him through her lashes. he was taller than tom, which made him a bout a head taller than her. "we shouldn't be-" but she didn't let him finish before she leaned up and pressed her lips to his. he tasted like the purple drinks they'd been downing for most of the night.

it lasted a whole two seconds before harry pulled away and let go of her all together. "why'd you-what?" he looked so confused and all of a sudden the warm feeling that was flowing through ayden only seconds ago, was replaced by ice. she shivered involuntarily and looked up at harry. "i'm sorry i thought you-i thought-sorry." she couldn't even form a coherent sentence to explain how she'd misinterpreted his body language entirely. she turned to moved through the crowd and get out of this terrible situation that she'd put herself in, and her eyes locked with tom's. she couldn't read his face. there seemed to be no emotions painted on it at all and she felt her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach. "tom i-" but before she could even apologise, the brunette was turning his back to her and heading towards the door.

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author's note!
chile anyways uhm.
falling. coming soon.

adore you ( 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍¹ )Where stories live. Discover now