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My first day at a new school, in a new country, with all new people and all new accents. This wasn't my first time in Australia but I don't know anybody here. The only person I knew was my brother Calum.

"Melia Hood." I slowly raised my hand. My cheeks burned as they turned a light shade of pink. Everyone was staring at me. I was still trying to adjust to the change even though I moved in the beginning of the summer. it was winter in America so I moved in the middle of the school year, it was difficult.

The bell rang telling the students to go to next period. Calum, my brother waited for me by the door. "Hey how was your first class?" he asked. Some boy was standing next to him. The boy was fairly attractive, Hell almost all the guys here were attractive. "It was- horrifying." I laughed nervously. "what happened?" the boy asked before pulling on his lip ring with his teeth. "some guy kept tossing things at me." I shrugged. "his name was Michael or something?" Calum looked at the boy-im gonna call him lip ring until I figure out his name- lip ring looked angry. "Whats your next class?" Calum dismissed the topic. "History of Rock n' Roll." He nods at my response. "Hey, Me too." Lip ring jolted. "Oh I'm Luke." he smiled and stuck his hand out. "Melia." I smiled back. "oh god not the smile." Calum groaned. Luke and I both laughed. "I gotta go see you guys at lunch." Calum said before running off in the other direction.

"How come Calum never talks about you?" Luke asks. I chuckled. "Calum told me that he told his best friend my virginity story. was that you?" I asked. We stopped walking infront of the class room. "he did." luke said as he looked over the places to sit. I scanned looking for somewhere to sit too. "well how mad was he?" I pointed to a seat and we began walking to it. "did he tell you why he now has a poster of Katy Perry in his room?" He said in all seriousness. I shook my head. "He was so mad that he punched the wall because he couldn't punch this Daluka guy."

"He talked about me once? thats enough talking about me." i stated talking about two different things. "lets talk about you."

"lets talk about you giving me your number." Some guys sat down in the seat Luke was going to sit in. "hey, he was going to sit there." I defended, dismissing the previous words that had left his mouth. "oh what is Luke gonna do?" he chuckled. I scoffed. "if i give you my number will you give him his seat back?" I asked as I looked at luke. He had his head down while he sleeves covered his hands. "erm- yes." he smiled cheekily. I rolled my eyes before asked for his phone. I typed in my old number while a sinister smile plastered against my lips. "here." I dug my teeth into my lip as I handed his phone back.

The boy got up so Luke could take his seat. The second Luke sat down, he pressed his right hand to his forehead. "Who was that fuckin' asshole?" I scoffed. "Ashton Irwin." I nodded, remembering the name. Calum told me how there is this jerk ass who basically bullied Luke.



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