Chapter: 3

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"Miss Call? miss Call" a voice called, "Lucy, get up". My eye's drew open to see Roy standing over me.

"woah, how did you get in?"

"If you want privicy around here, lock your door" he said, "anyway, that's off topic, agent 16 wants to see you."

"agent 16?"

"I'll explain later, now put your uniform on"

"I don't have a..." I trailed off as I noticed clothes at the end of my bed.

"I'll wait outside, i don't like to be kept waiting so hurry up"

"yes, sir" i whispered in a mocking voice.

"Oh, and could you not treat everything like it's a joke, it's pissing me off" he snapped.

"well, i'm sorry, how would you like me to act? zombie assasin or mindless drone?" I yelled back,

"mindless drone would be nice" he murmured, "remember, don't like to be kept waiting" finally, he closed the door.

"mindless drone?" my subconsous yelled. "I'll show him mindless drone"  it continued as I tried on my uniform.


"what is it about the military and camo clothes" I muttered to myself as I trailed behind Roy as we walked down the hallway.

"keep up" he called, "we're late already".

I walked faster, side by side with him now. I looked at him, he didn't even seem to notice, His face was emotionless. His walk was hard to keep up with, almost like a quick march. He did look like a soldier in his uniform, well groomed, neat, tall, rather handsome...

"I would apperciate it if you stopped staring at me" He said as he continued walking down the hall, not even bothering to make eye contact with me.

...And then i remembered what a jerk he was. There was an awkward silence between us, I suddenly felt uncomfortable around him. I thought of how I could change the subject.   

"So, you said you'd tell me about Agent 16 later..."

"yes" He replied quickly, obviously feeling slightly awkward aswell.

"Well, it's later".

There was a short silence,

"Agent 16 is my superior and tutor, She runs Project Delta. She wants to meet you, get you properly introduced."


Suddenly, Roy made a sharp left turn, I followed. He stopped outside two big doors, then turned me to face him.

"Rule one, do not speak unless spoken to. Rule two, do what i say.Rule three, treat everyone in that room with respect, they are your superiors, they are above you and you will treat them as such. Rule four, do not argue, laugh, crack jokes ect. Rule five, you shall refure to me and everyone else in that room as sir or miss. Understood?" He said as he nipped and tucked at me, leaveing nothing out of place.

"I don't see the big deal, I mean it's just one person?"

"understood?" he repeated, more stearn now, "this is a lot more important than that, Lucy, so please, just.... behave."

"it's that important to you?"


"yes, sir" I said under my breath.

"good"  He turned to the doors, "follow me". He pushed the doors apart and walked in, I followed, shaking for some unknown reason. A deathly silence filled the room as Roy and I entered the room. I looked around, three familiar people stood in a line in front of and audience of people.Roy walked through the line, standing between the audience and the others, I went and stood beside him.I looked up at the audience, a rather elderly lady in a formal suite stood in front of an squadron of men and women in uniforms.

"Miss Lucy Call, I presume" the elderly lady said as she took a step towards me.

"Affirmative" Roy said in a monotone.

"Thank you, Roy, that will be all, return to your troop".

Roy saluted her, then marched back to line behind me. Roy's absense made this meeting all the more overwhelming. The elderly lady looked over me,

"so Miss Call, tell me about yourself, your achievements"

I was silent.

"Miss Call?" the lady asked, "Miss Call". I tried to answer, but I made a squeky noise when I opened my mouth. I was never able to talk with a crowd watching me, listening to me, judgeing me...

"My apologies miss, I don't do well in front of crowds" my voice was still shaky, but at least I said something.  

"Oh" she said with a slight grin, "my apologies, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable".

"It doesn't matter" I said in a small voice, looking at the ground.

"Now Miss Call, your achievement's?"

I thought for a second, what had I done with my life?

"Well..." I hesitated, "I did ballet when I was 5"

Suddenly, the room erupted  in to laughter.

"Like that's going to help on the battlefield" A soldier called from the crowd, the laughing increased.

"Hey, shut up" Roy called out from behind me,

"yeah, you're just jealous, you pansy" Jayden yelled aswell.

The room went silent.

"intresting" I heard the lady say with a facinated look. "Delta troop, forward, in line with Miss Call"

"yes, Miss" they all yelled in sync before appearing either side of me.

"Delta troop, you have a new team mate, I will expect you to treat her as such" She announced,

"yes, miss" they replied.

"Roy, step forward". Roy took two steps foward, "Roy, miss call is now in your care,  she will be your apprentice from this point foward."

"My apologies, miss, but i decline your offer" the room went silent.

"What the hell?" said my subconsious, "what does he have against me?"

And it was at that moment I realised I hated Roy.

"It was not an offer, Roy, it was an order"

"Forgive me for complaining, miss, but she'll just way me down, the last thing i need right now is an untrained, uncoordinated, unreliable rookie on my hands."

"well, your not sunshine and rainbows yourself, camando!" Everyone looked at me with a shocked expression, except the elderly lady, who grinned at me. There was a rather long silence 

"If it is such a hassle, I'll take responsibility of Lucy" Anthony called out,

"that will not be necessary, Anthony. I feel a connection between these two, a resembilence."

"I am nothing like her!" he protested

"I am nothing like him!" I protested after.

"This is not up for arguement"

"but Agent, this isn't fair!" Roy yelled, he seemed a lot more annoyed about this than I was.

"Meeting dismissed". 

Roy sank back into line as everyone left the room, his face was emotionless.

"Delta, at ease" Roy said solemly, "move out". He turned then began to walk out the door, the others followed. I didn't know what to do, so i stood there like an idiot for a second.

"Rookie!" Roy called from the hall, "hurry up! you're holding me up again" I heard a new type of anger in his voice. Realising Roy wasn't in the mood to wait, I jogged after him and to my first training lesson.

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