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Let's start with my background, I am Princess Makenzie Adelina Calista Fara Whitelock of Southden and I am 15 years old, my birthday is December 11th!

I know what your thinking we'll this can go one of two ways this story could one be interesting and fresh or wow I have seen this plot many many many times before, outcast or popular girl falls in love with wrong person but, no this is not your average story...

I was raised a princess with other princess girls and princes, actually my best friend is a prince... I actually got fortunate most futes hang out with futesses...

Futes- Future King
Futesses- Future Queen

He is the best, I have actually got a crush on him, but I know it would never work out the only three times a Nederess married a Fute...

Neder- Cannot Be King Till Their Older Sibling Dies
Nederess- Cannot Be Queen Till Their
Older Sibling Dies

Which is terrible in my case because my sisters are twins and if one dies the other will become queen so... Nole, full name Nolan Liam Mason Conner Perella, Future King of Norston, always says "Never stop dreaming till the dream says stop, and dreams don't talk, do they?" You know that is why he is my best friend.

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