Chapter 14

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harry's pov;

Laura and I walked into get food, we sat down in the place we sat in last night by the window.

Laura ordered a fruit bowl with granola and natural yogurt and i decided to go for something a lil' different ya know mixing it up so i got a donut with cofffee ... yeah

Laura downed the whole thing so quickly. she looked over at me with her face covered in yogurt, grinning towards me like a mad person. I finished the last bit of my coffee and wiped some of the crumbs that i dropped on the table onto the floor. 

when we were finished i stood up to go pay. Laura grabbed my wrist, "No i'm paying" she said pulling out money from her pocket. I pulled her hand off me and made a run for the counter before Laura made any more offers.

I looked in her direction and laughed at her, she was giving me the evils. I gave the cashier $20 and Laura left a tip.

We walked towards the door and I opened it up for her. "Thank you kind sir"she said with a funny accent. "You're welcome ma' dear" I replied as we both burst out laughing.

Lauras pov;

We both were just making our way back to my house, Harry was talking all about his family back in England and I just admired his accent and every time he laughed I caught myself staring at his cute little dimples. 

He made me so happy. I haven't been this happy in such a long time. It was weird to think that because my mom has been kidnapped by my dad and she's currently in Australia. I started to frown by the thought of that before Harry snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Laur someday I'm gonna have to cook you up a full english breakfast. Back home every Sunday my grandmother would cook us up a full english and boy did she know how to work a pan."

"Are they like the massive breakfasts they have in Harry Pottter?! If they are then I'm all in!" Harry laughed at what I said and carried on talking about what his life was like at home.  

"I've a sister called Gemma, but she moved to London with her boyfriend while we moved here, My mum's name is Anne and my dad's name is Desmond but my parents got divorced when I was younger so I live with my mum and yeah"

"Harry I'll have to meet your mum soon she sounds lovely !" I said to him. 

"You can come over on Friday how about that?" He said. I grinned widely and nodded my head. We arrived at my house and got inside. I saw the time and it was only 9am ? Oh God this is a new record for me. Harry and I obviously didn't go to school because we're both so tired from everything and i currently can't sit still.

Harry walked down our long ass hallway and went into the kitchen, He boiled the kettle and made me a cup of coffee while he had a cup of tea. I sat on the sofa and stared off into space until there was a hard knock on the door. Harry got up to answer it and it was the police.

I sprang up off of the chair and ran towards the door leaving my coffee down on the stack of coffee tables we had. Harry welcomed them in and they walked into the sitting room and sat down. I waited until one of them spoke looking back and forth at them while twiddling my thumbs impatiently.

I wanted to know if my mom was okay, that she was safe, that she's coming home. that's all, I miss her, more than anything and it hurts me to know that she might be in danger. My dad was a horrible man. It still hadn't hit me what he had done. What he's doing. he's destroying our lives. 

"Laura, so far we have no sign of your mother" the words hit me like a bullet and I froze in my spot. they carried on "We met some of your fathers friends along the way and they have been arrested but they're saying they have nothing to do with it" I was literally shaking with fear and stress and worrying about my mom.

they looked at me sympathetically. "Laura okay listen. We will find your mom. Your fathers friends mentioned that he wouldn't go as far as killing her, we no longer think she is in Australia but we do have a rough idea of where he might be and our officers are already heading over there. Laura there is no need to worry because we already have enough information to get us where we want to be"

I just stood there frozen. I had no words but just to stand there and stare out into nothing. Harry came over and put his arm around my neck and I tensed up in his presence but relaxed as he started running his hand up and down my arm.

I rested my head on his shoulder before letting a tear escape my eye. "P-please find h-her" I could just manage to say those words before sobbing into Harry's shirt. He rubbed my head and the officers came over to me. "Laura we will find her, she will be okay" I trusted them. "Thank You officers" they rubbed my back before saying goodbye and leaving my house.

"Harry what am I going to do?"I said in between sobs. I had my face buried in his shirt. "I have no parent, she might be hurt, she could be in danger." Harry lifted my chin up.

"Laura you're strong, brave remember that okay? you'll get through this. but for now you can stay in my house, my mum won't mind at all having you as company. I'll cook you up that full english tomorrow morning okay?"

He wiped my tears and my heart literally felt warm after Harry said that. He cared about me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in the tightest hug ever. 

I whispered into his shirt so it came out more muffled "Thank You Harry, for everything"

                                         I changed the cover and the description and idk if i like it but its different ya know?what do you's think ? commENT FAM !! ILY 

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