The New Member

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Puck's POV

 I walked into Glee club and everyone was asking who was going to audition honestly I couldn't care less and didn't want another nerd to join.  All of the sudden Finn walk in I ran up to him and asked him "what are you doing here!" Was he seriously going to audition? At first I was mad but maybe I would have finally someone to talk to. Finn was actually really good which didn't bother me but what did bother me was all of the girls watching him sing like he was royalty.

Rachel POV

I could not believe how good Finn really was and I was so excited to have him in glee. After he performed the bell rang and I went to congratulate him on doing so good in his audition. 

"Hey Finn I am Rachel you did really good today, and I was wondering if you wanted to be partners for the duet challenge?"

Finn- " Thanks and yeah definitely we would be amazing together do you want to meet up and practice?"

Rachel- "That sounds great I will text you later" (They both exchanged numbers)

(Back to Rachel's POV) 

I could not believe he said yes. Honestly I kind of was excited to spend time with Finn.

 A/N - (Sorry for such a short chapter long one coming up)

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