brighter future ♫

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Never Mind...

I'll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you, too.

Six or so years had passed since (Name of worst enemy) and Red got married. (Name) was still a single woman at the age of twenty-five. She shared an apartment with her good friend and co-worker, White Touko. The two worked at a business firm in Castelia City, Unova.

When the alarm clock rang at 6 AM as per usual, the two women both groaned simultaneously, as last night they had stayed up late gossiping about the latest news. White had also stayed up until about 2 AM talking to her boyfriend, N, over the phone while (Name) tried to get some sleep. White and N's conversation wasn't the only thing that kept her up, however. Thoughts of a certain someone kept her awake.

You shouldn't feel like this, (Name). The girl would constantly felt pity for herself, and she also despised those feelings. He's happy now. Isn't that all you wanted?

Selfish and self-deprecating thoughts plagued her mind every night, and she had no idea how to escape it all.

"(Name), it's my turn to make breakfast so go get our things ready for work, okay?" White mumbled sleepily.

"Got it, White," (Name) replied just as drowsily as she slowly sat up in bed and gathered the scattered paperwork left on both of their desks. White stretched and yawned widely and before heading to the kitchen to prepare their morning meal.

(Name) had given up on love, at this point. The only person she had truly ever loved was Red, and he was married to the love of HIS life. The (h/c)-haired girl had tried to find someone who she could fall in love with again, but all the boys that her friend back in Kanto, Blue Banks, tried to hook her up with, were just not a suitable match for her. The only man she wanted was Red, and (Name) knew that there was no way she could ever be with Red.

Search all she might, (Name) knew she could never find someone she could love like Red. She might as well be looking forever if she tried.

It was just another normal day at the company. (Name) was feeling worse than usual, however. She groaned and laid her head down on the desk, not being able to focus on her report.

"Lunch break!" the boss called from his office.

"Thank goodness," (Name) sighed and got to her feet, before hurrying to White's cubicle. To (Name)'s surprise, White was standing next to and talking to a boy that looked about two or three years older than the two women. He had shaggy, brown hair and clear brown eyes. He and White looked almost exactly alike, save for their eyes, since White's were a sharp blue.

"(Name)!" White waved her over. "Meet my brother, Black!"

"Hi there, nice to meet you!" Black smiled brightly, holding out a hand. "I'm Black Touko."

"I'm (Name) (Last Name)." Said girl gave a small smile and accepted the boy's hand.

"Hehe. I've heard so much about you from White. I hope we can become friends!" His smile was simply infectious.

"Sure." He reminds me so much of Red...

Speaking of which, Red, I hope everything's going okay. I miss you.

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