8. My Love

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💑 April POV💑

My head was giving me a headache it was pounding so hard when I woke up I had to take pain reliever to let it calm down.

After all of what happen yesterday I need someone to talk to.

"Hello April I'm here. How was meeting with his family "Mina said as she entered my house and sat on my couch

"Well first it went out great then his mom decide to bring his ex girlfriend" I said and Mina got up

" do you want me to go beat her ass" she said and I was stun. First time I ever saw this

"No you don't have to. Let me just finish." I sad and she nodded

After telling her the whole story her face was going from sad to mad to I want to kill you

" do you know where she lives" she said

"No I don't want to stock that girl or ever see her again. I got a big headache this morning cause of that"I said and she nodded

"Let's watch something to forgot about it" she said


After an hour of watching a movie we heard a knock on the door and Mina got up and answer it.

💫 Jake POV💫

After all the things my sister told me yesterday. I was piss and upset. Like why come back in my life if we were over long time ago

Right after work I went home took a shower and fed Max's and went straight to April's house

When I got there I saw someone was at her house. But I really didn't care I need to check on April and make sure she okay

When I ring the bell. I heard the door unlock and Mina appeared at the door

"Hey Mina is April here"

"Oh ya she here. Come on in" she said

"Thank you"

"APRIL SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU. I'M LEAVING" she said and waved and smiled at me. "Oh and I have something to tell you. If I see you ex girlfriend tell her I will see her soon" Mina said and left and April came and the door open then closed

"Oh hey Jake how are you" she said smiling at me but here eyes look like she never slept

" so I don't get a hey babe." I said and walk up to her and I  lift her up and kissed her lips.

"No you get a hey Jake" she said

"Okay Ms. April" I said and walk to the couch with her telling me to put he down. I sat down first and sat her on my lips and hold on to her waist

"Can you please tell me what happen yesterday because it doesn't look like you slept at all." I said and look in her eyes and she look away. "Please tell me. I want to know. Cause I care a lot about you. And your special to me and I need to know what happen cause i don't want you to get hurt I want to know please."

"She said that I was never good for you and that you will use me the same way you use your other ex girlfriend and that you only love her. And  you will comeback running to her and other stuff"she said and my hands squeeze on her waist. She hit my shoulder telling me I'm hurting her and I let go

"I'm sorry I'm just mad . that all not true." I said and let go of her waist on and lean my head back on the chair  " we use to date she broke up with me because I was ' the her match and not good for her' and I found out that she left me cause my dad business was going down and losing money,But think God we didn't and I became a doctor. Then that when she wanted to come running back to me" I said and April took her hands and put them on the side of my face and lift my head up

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