Before: First steps

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So, it's about 1am which means technically it's day 1 but I'll get to day 1later. I need to list the things I will be doing (eating,drinking, exercising etc.). First off, water.

Water I think is going to be a huge factor in this. It will brighten and clear skin easily. Therefore, I will be drinking at least 3 bottles of my 750ml water bottle every day. I think getting more then 2L a day of water is a good goal and it should speed up my process.

Dietary things. This is what's going to suck. I'm going to be tempted to eat crap food. But what I need to stay away from is cheese and grease. Cut out those things and I'll be doing pretty good. Eat things with fiber is good and make sure you heavily drink water instead of caving into pop(or soda. Sorry I'm Minnesotan). This is why eating at home is a better option.

Sleep is also important, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. You need your beauty sleep.

Exercise is also important. at the moment I will be going through a heat wave so I'm not sure how thoroughly I'll be able to complete this. I'm going to be doing a half hours exercise every day, something to make you sweat. I know, half hour seems like nothing. Do more if you like. I'm just weak af and can't do more. This leads into the next thing.

Showering. After EVERY workout, Im going to shower. If I don't, the sweat and oils will most likely be absorbed into my skin and will get real nasty. Make sure you get that ish off. I will list the products on day one. And MAKE SURE your hair is clean, the oils can't go to your face otherwise!

And most importantly. Do. Not. Touch. The. Acne. It will not help, but make it worse. Do not pick at it. Do not touch your face without clean hands!!

It is Tuesday and I'm doing this from Wednesday for Sunday. I will keep you updated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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