Chapter 1

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James POV: As I walked into the cafe around the corner from my new dance studio I saw the most prettiest girl I have ever seen. I instantly fell in love with her. She had beautiful eyes and her hear was so beautiful. I was to shy to go over and say hi.

Riley's POV: As I was in the cafe this morning grabbing a coffee before I headed of to dance this guy walked in and was just looking at me. He was acting a but weird but I just ignored it and headed off to dance class after my coffee.

James POV: After I got my breakfast I headed off to my first lesson at my new dance studio. I was a little bit nervous but I calmed my nerves and walked in the doors. There were about 10 other people dancing and they all looked really good. But as I was watching I saw the beautiful girl that I had seen earlier at the cafe. I was excited that she was in my class and that I could get to know her a bit more.

Riley's POV: Miss Kate had told us all that we were getting a new kid in our class today. We were all just having fun dancing when the new kid arrived we all just continued dancing. Then miss Kate came in and introduced the new kid as James. At that moment I realised that he was the guy that was looking at me weirdly in the cafe earlier. We all introduced outsells to James and we told him about our favourite dance style.

James POV: Then the dance teacher Miss Kate came and introduced me to the class. They all told me there names and a bit about them. When it got around to the beautiful girl I was really interested in getting to know her. Her name was Riley and she was a contemporary dancer. I can't wait to get to know her a bit more.

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