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Fuck! What to do! Tsk! Because that annoying guy! The guy with the spongebob boxers!. Was staring at me intensely. I dont know what to do?! He might kill me after this class! Where should i hide?! The bell rang and i ran in the cafeteria. I checked my surroundings before ordering a melon bread and milk. I sat at an empty table and ate my bread and sipped some milk. "Hi! Can i sit here?" I was startled at the voice. I nodded and smiled. "My name is Kim seokjin but you can call me hyung or eomma!" He said enthusiastly. I gave him a puzzled look. I mean why mom?!

"Oh i have a motherly atitude so my friends call me mom." Oh. "Im Park jimin." He smiled. "Can i invite my friends here? Cause this is actually our usual spot so~" i nodded. I really wanna make friends! "Here are they. Guys!" They seem nice. Wait why does that guy look familiar?

"Eomma jin~ there you are!" Uh why do i think i saw those two somewhere. "Oh its you! The one who bumped me! Sorry i did that i was in a bad mood." I just smiled. At least he said sorry. "Oh! Im Jeon jungkook!" They introduced themselves. They were very kind. "Oh where's taehyung?" I jolted in suprise. Taehyung! I wish its not the same taehyung. "Guys! Oh" i slowly looked behind. Holy shit! I immediately ran.

I hid in th bathroom. I entered a cubicle and took out my phone. Its 2:36 class starts in an hour. Someone barged in the cubicle and pinned me. He closed the door using his free hand. "So you think ill let you pass just like that huh!" I winced at his grip. "Im sorry!" He spitted at my shirt. "You scum!" I hate this guy!

Okie This Part one sorry its short and sucks check this out for any multishippers. And for jikook shippers

I was shocked. I was trying to find a smut story when i noticed that jungkook was looking at jimin I mean Wth!? Is this only an accident

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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