The Chase - One

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There you were, running through the woods like a deer, bounding through the grass. Heavy footsteps pounded into the ground not far behind you.
It was your dad.
Your dad had always been abusive. He'd come back from 'work' late, telling me, my sister and mom that he'd been busy all day with it, when in fact, which your mother and you knew, he had been drinking late. He'd come back, knocking glasses from off of the counters while chugging flasks of beer down his neck, while you and your mom would look back in horror - your sister to young to understand- only exchanging glances, not daring to say a word in case of ticking him off. Then, one night, my mother complained.
He looked back with such rage in his deep brown eyes that they almost turned to black; I could never forget that look. That's when it happened.
He snapped.
He raised his bottle high above his head, but before he could bring it down to hit his victim cowering in front of him, my mother turned to us, mouthing, "Run,"
That's when I ran to Mt.Ebbot, trying to drag my sister with me. But before we could get out of the door together, he wrapped an iron grip around my sister's arm. Before you could do anything, he had done the same to her, blood trickling down her small, round face. You looked down in horror. You couldn't do anything to bring her with you, since he was still standing over her.
The next thing you knew, you were running in the other direction, blood streaming down your arm, tears flooding your eyes causing rivers to rush down your cheeks and face.
He had killed them.
Your mother.
Your sister.
Your true family.
Yet he was still there behind you.
Your lungs screamed for you to stop, but you knew if you did, you would be dead. So you ran.
~time skip~
Little did you know, your dad had given up the chase a few minutes back, and that you'd ran up Mt.Ebbot.
Your father was a very superstitious man, and believed that a curse was laid upon the mountain, yet nothing in history claimed to confirm it except a few - 6, to be precise - children had gone missing heading up the mountain, never to return.
He was right.

Blueberry (Sans X Reader - Underswap)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora