Napstabot - Part 17

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Your POV
You, Blueberry and Papyrus were sat on the sofa, while Frisk played with Papyrus' pet rock - by that she just pushed it around a bit. You were eating cold tacos from the fridge, while Papyrus was drinking ketchup and Blueberry was raiding your plate. All was quiet, except for the munching sound in the background. You looked around for the remote; it always seemed to be behind Papyrus, down the crack of the sofa, and since he was to lazy to move, you threatened him with giving Blueberry a lollipop. He looked at you with disgust, and handed it to you without hesitation, then you to Blueberry. The noise of the tv couldn't compete with the next noise in the household.
"Darlings!" Someone - sounding robotic- shouted, kicking the door open with his sky blue boot.
Blueberry jumped from his seat to greet the people barging into the house. Papyrus still lay there, but he seemed to be on edge. Was he looking for someone?
A tall robot pranced into the room, headphones draped around his neck and a pair of sharp blue eyes surveying the area. He was followed by a small, pink ghost. It seemed like her eyes sparkled when she saw Papyrus. Cute.
Blueberry formally introduced us. "(Y/n), this is Napstabot and Mettablook-" you waved to each-" and they have come to visit for a while. Guys, this is (y/n) and Frisk!"
"Hi!" You came over to them, extracting yourself from the sofa. You shook the tall robot's hand first. "Hello there, Darling, are you two sisters?"
"Wonderful. By the way, out of interest, are you crushing on anyone?"
Woah. Ok. You could only answer truthfully.
"Who isn't?"
The pink ghost floated over, capturing her attention.
"Ooooooh~ Do tell!"
"U-um.... Blueberry...."
"Blueberry? Who is that?"
"S-sans," you whispered to them. Napstabot's eyes lit up. You could see they were a shipper - by putting two people together. (You probably know that - just clarifying.)
You could of sworn you heard the little ghost say,"oh god look what you've done..." Which made you giggle. So you thought you'd ask her a question.
"Are you crushing?"
"W-well... Yes..."
"Who? Who?"
She was so adorably shy.
"You have to promise not to tell... If you really want to know..."
"I promise."
She took you out o the room and into the kitchen. You felt Papyrus watching you and Mettablook. Was he crushing on her? Adorable.
"Sooo... Who?"
You let out a long 'awwwww' and started mentally squealing. She could see from your body language what you were doing. She shyly looked at the floor. You caught her off guard by trying to hug her. Of course, you would go right through her, but you tried. She appreciated the effort.. "T-thanks for listening..."
"You're welcome!"
You felt a presence in the doorway. Mettablook obviously hadn't. Oh no. Did he hear the conversation?

Papyrus POV
Something suspicious was going on. It was probably nothing, but I felt a presence inside of (y/n). The worst thing is, I don't know what it is. Who it is. Could it be... Her?
I heard a loud 'awwwww' from the kitchen. Deciding to go check it out, I pulled myself up, patted Frisk's hair while I went past - she was still playing with my pet rock. I learn on the doorway, trying to find what we presence was inside (y/n). I found it. It felt ancient. Who was she?
She had noticed me by the door. Mettablook hadn't. She was an observant one, like me. What interested me the most would be what colour her soul would be... Also, where had Sans gone?! Meh.
I finally spoke to them - mostly to (y/n). "Keeping secrets, are we?"
Mettablook let out a squeak, (y/n) spun around and craned her neck to look at me. Something had changed about her. What was it?
"Aren't ya going to tell me?"
"No!" Mettablook shouted. That was a surprise. She never raised her voice. (Y/n) looked at me. I felt that presence again. I finally noticed. (Y/n)'s eyes were changing colour.

Your POV
Papyrus was looking at me strange. I think he already knew I wasn't going to tell him anything. He looked me straight in the eyes. "Come with me." He murmured, grabbing your shoulder and dragging you forcefully out of the room. "W-wait! Mettablook help!" She floated after you, until Papyrus snapped at her,"Leave us," and she obeyed. Papyrus dragged you to his sentry post, then behind into the forest. "W-where are we going? Pap? Papyrus? W-wha-"
"Be quiet," he snapped.
"Is it because I didn't tell you Mettablook's secret? I'm sorry but I can't. A promise is a promise, until she decides to tell you herself. "
"This isn't about you and her's secret. It just about you. It always has been..." He seemed to be coming to conclusions you didn't know existed. "Pap. If you need to tell me something do it here. And for god's sake put me down!" He halted to a stop. He bowed his head, murmuring words you couldn't understand. He turned to you, an orange flame engulfing his right eye.

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