I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

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"Wait," Gavin blurted out. I tilted my head, "What?" "Three months ago, when we went back to work for the first time, did you really mean it?" Gavin asked. I looked at him funny, "What the hell are you talking about?" Gavin frowned, "When you asked me to marry you. Did you really mean it?" I snorted, "Seriously?! Gavin, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you! But I'm going to propose correctly. I'm gonna make it special." Gavin nodded, "So you did mean it?" "Of course I did! I don't blurt out half-assed things and not mean them," I smirked. Gavin smiled and leaped into the air at me. I caught him and he wrapped his legs around my waist. "Guys, hello? We're filming here," Jack chuckled. I flipped him off and ran up behind him, Gavin still latched on me. Jack ruffled my hair and I jokingly growled at him. "Lovebirds in the office," Jack scoffed at the camera. "Hey love, I need to go check on something real quick," Gavin said as he hopped out of my grip and walked out the door. I continued to mess with Jack as he filmed AHWU. I messed with Geoff when he read off the games as well as Trevor when he came in to do community.

Once it was over, I leaned over to Jeremy who looked at me funny. "What's up, Michael?" He asked. "I want to propose to Gavin," I blurted out. Jeremy looked stunned which made me laugh. The first time I- Wait, no. The first time wasn't real. "That's awesome, dude! When are you going to do it?" Jeremy lightly punched me in the arm. I leaned back in Gavin's chair and shrugged, "I dunno. Probably like fucking next week?" Jeremy smiled, "How?" I shrugged, "No clue." Geoff snuck over and leaned in between us, "What are we talking about?" I jumped and hit my knee on the desk and knocked the chair back. All the guys started laughing at me. "DAMMIT, GEOFF! DON'T FUCKING COME UP BEHIND ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GAVIN!" I screamed, resting my hand on my chest. Geoff threw his hands up in surrender, "I didn't think you'd get scared like that! You keeping secrets from your lover?" I took deep breaths as I stood up and sat the chair back up. "Michael's gonna propose to Gavin," Jeremy exclaimed and slapped his hands over his mouth. I leaned on the table and nodded at all the questions I was getting.

We all heard the code being put into the door and I froze, "Shh. Don't say anything." Gavin came in the room with a smile on his face, but stopped and tilted his head at us. I waved at him, "Hey babe." Gavin slowly walked over to me, "Did I miss something?" "I scared the shit out of Michael and he fell over," Geoff chuckled. Gavin chuckled too, "Bullocks! I wish I could've seen that." "I hit my knee too," I said. Gavin frowned and leaned down to kiss my knee, which I bounced up and accidentally hit his nose. He fell back onto the couch and held his nose, "MICHAEL!" I started laughing, "Oh god- Gavin I-I'm so sorry- That was HILARIOUS!" Gavin whined and I came over and sat next to him with my arms open. Gavin leaned onto me, "I need ice." Jack left the room saying he was going to get some ice while I pet Gavin's hair. "How about we go home and get some ice cream?" I asked Gavin. Gavin nodded. Jack came back and handed Gavin a bag of ice to put on his big nose. Geoff called me over with a smirk on his face. I left Gavin's side and followed Geoff into the hall.

"You should do it on Off Topic," Geoff smirked. I thought about it and realized how cute that would be, "Yeah, yeah I should. We'd need to pick out the ring tomorrow, though. Since we're filming in like two days." Geoff nodded and patted my shoulder, "I'll help you pick it out." "I think I'm gonna get one handmade. I'll draw it out," I said. Geoff smiled and we walked back in the room. I looked at Gavin who had water dripping down his face from the bag, "Ready to go get some ice cream, babe?" Gavin smiled and nodded like a two-year-old. He tossed the bag of ice in the trash and we said goodbye to the crew before going out to my car. I started driving to Gavin and I's favorite ice cream shop. "Are you going to let your hair grow out?" Gavin asked out of nowhere. I shrugged, "I dunno, why?" "I like it long," he smiled. "You do?" I glanced at him for a second. Gavin nodded and ran his hand through my hair, "Yep. I love running my hands through it." I smiled and turned into the ice cream shop. I got out along with Gavin and locked the car. We ordered our favorite ice cream and ate it within minutes. Gavin and I drove back home afterwards. He got in the shower and I relaxed on the couch and called Geoff.

"Hey," I greeted. "So what time do you want me to swing by?" He asked. "Noon maybe?" "Sounds good." "We can go to the jeweler's down the street," I said. I heard Geoff make a noise that sounded like he was agreeing with me. "See you then." "See ya, buddy," Geoff said before the two of us hung up. I heard the water turn off and I yawned. Gavin came into the living room, just his boxers on and a towel he was using to dry his hair. It always looked brown when it was wet. Damn did he look hot, though. I smirked at him and motioned for him to come over to me. Gavin smirked back at me and sat on my lap. He rested his arms loosely on my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his waist. I bit my lip before pressing my lips against his. Gavin kissed back vigorously. We went at it for a while before Gavin tore my shirt off me and I lifted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. We kept kissing even after I carried him into the bedroom and tossed him on the bed.

We both fell back, breathing heavy. Gavin smirked and pecked me on the lips, "Damn, Michael. It's always so good." I smirked back him, "Hell yeah it is." "I'm gonna hop in the shower," Gavin sat up. I sat up with him, "Mind if I join?" Gavin chuckled and pulled me along. We changed into comfortable clothes after the shower and snuggled up next to each other in bed. "I love you a lot. Like bigger than the universe a lot," Gavin yawned out. "I love you ten times more," I pulled him closer to me and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight love," Gavin said. I could here the tiredness in his voice. I smiled, "Goodnight, babe." We both ended up falling asleep an hour later. We couldn't stop laughing about Gavin almost dropping his ice cream on a little boy at the shop. The kid came running in, full speed like a bull, and rammed Gavin in the leg on accident. Gavin fell back on me and as I caught him, his left arm, the one he was holding the ice cream cone in, flew back and almost fell out of his hand.


A Finished Puzzle (Sequel to 'My Missing Piece')Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora