Letters to my mudblood

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A/N: All canon characters, plots and locations are the property of J.K. Rowling.

Reviews are appreciated.

Hermione Granger panted as she finally turned into the corridor for her potions class. She was late again, all because of her useless roommate. The moment Hermione came to know that Draco Malfoy was elected Head Boy, all the excitement of being Head Girl had drained out of her. He had done everything possible to annoy her, no he wasn't being the horrible git that he was for the past seven years, he was being nice, actually nice. And nothing made her more furious. It all started with Malfoy cleaning up the common room the two of them shared, at first she thought it was just out of habit, but then he started doing weird things like smiling at her, smiling and not smirking. He hadn't called her a Mudblood all year, or taunted her in any other way. Sometimes if she fell asleep at night in the common room, he'd cover her up with his blanket. In short, the new Draco Malfoy was nothing like the old Draco Malfoy.

Hermione entered the classroom to find that Professor Slughorn wasn't there. phew. And then she heard the familiar low cold voice that had been haunting her thoughts all morning. "Give it back to me Weasely."

Ron replied in a rather mocking voice, "What is it I hear Malfoy? Does little Draco want his diary back?" The Gryffindors erupted into laughter.

"Go ahead, Keep it then. Not like you will be able to read anything anyways.", he said turning his back to the Gryffindors and returning to his place on the Slytherin table.

Ron flipped through the blank pages of the book and narrowed his eyes. "I'll ask Hermione to help me then. She could-"

Draco spun around instantly, his fists clenched tightly and growled, "You will do no such thing!"

"Watch Me!", taunted Ron.

Draco moved forward to and within a blink of an eye his fist met Ron's nose and the Gryffindor King fell to the ground with a thud. Draco looked down to pick up his diary, but someone else got to it before he could.

He froze at the sight of the burnette. "Granger", he croaked. "Give it back...please."

Hermione looked at him suspiciously. "Hey Hermione, could you make the text appear?", Lavender asked.

"No", Draco mumbled under his breath.

Hermione inspected the diary. It had a thick black leather cover with three silver letters inscribed at the bottom of the front cover. D.L.M.

Hermione flicked her wand and muttered an incantation that she was sure would work.

She opened the first page and slowly words in a familiar neat handwriting appeared. 'Letters to my Mudblood' the word Mudblood was scratched out by black in to be replaced by the word, or rather the name Granger. After a few seconds the word Granger was blackened too, and this time it was replaced by the word 'Hermione'. She was shocked to see that he had called her his mudblood. Hermione turned the page and she heard Malfoy mumble slowly, "Don't, please don't." She looked up at him and noticed he was looking directly back at her, his dark grey eyes looked into her brown ones pleadingly. She noticed that his facial features were now much softer than that she had experienced in the past years. After a moment or two she returned her gaze to the book in her hands. Hermione swiftly turned the first page. Malfoy hadn't maintained the diary regularly, not that Hermione would have wanted him to maintain one about her.

12th January 1998

Dear Granger,

What are you doing to me? Will you please stop appearing in my dreams? or rather that one particular dream. Its the same place, right outside the school grounds where you punched me back in third year. The entire conversation remains the same, you call me 'a foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!' and then instead of punching me, you kiss. We actually kiss. And then I woke up panting, wanting to feel your lips on mine, needing you to be there.

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