At the Weasley House then to HOGWARTS
Sorry about spelling.
5th Year,along with Fred and George.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/N POV
"COMING." Mrs.Weasley loud voice,made me jump. I see her running over,but Fred and George appear behind her. I stand still hoping Fred wont see me.
NOPE. He comes over to open the door,while Mrs.Weasley goes to do something. "Why,hello,had a nice summer?" I look up at him. "Indeed I did."
He nods his head. Trying to hold it in,I try to get by him,but no success." Can you please move,"coming out like a sweet tone.
He nods his head,and lets me by. I try to hold in the fact that ima about to go girl crazy. I squeeze past him,touching him slightly,and starting to fangirl.
I quickly bolt upstairs,to Ginnys roo om. Once I get there,I do the secert knock.
*knock knock* and some other knocks.
"Come in." I open the door and see Ginny and Hermonie. "Hey guys," I say,as I close the door. "Hey." "Hey." I walk over to their little circle group thing,abd take a seat on the floor.
"Wanna play truth or Dare?,"Hermonie breaks the silence,by asking. Me and Ginny just nod our heads in a 'ok,why not' way.
"Ginny,Truth or Dare,"she starts off. "Truth." "Who is your least favorite Professer?" "Snape,no question about that." Ginny let's out a small chuckle-ish. She,then,turns to Hermonie. I started to get a feeling that they were up to something.
"Hermonie,Truth or Dare?" "Um.....Truth." "How many books have you read so far?" "To many to count."
After Hermonie said some books she has read,they both turn to me. The feeling I got earlier came back,but this time,worse.
"Uh,guys?" "Y/N,Truth or Dare?" I deafetly didnt want to do a Dare. So truthit was. "Truth." Ginny and Hermonie start bickering aganist each other,of who should say my dare. Hermonie kinda lost.
"Who do you like,and no lies."GODDAMMIT. "I change my mind,Dare." "Fine,I dare you to answear the question." AGAIN GODDAMMIT. "No one."
Ginny looked staright at me,I actually thought she would see past my lie. "Oh come one,Y/N,you totally have a thung for,was it George?" Hermonie turns to Ginny. "No Harry?" They are both looking at each other.
"Ron?,"Ginny guesses. "Cedric?,"Hermonie says right after. They,then,turn to me. "Maybe,FRED!,"they say in snyc.
My face gets all hot. I tackle them,covering their mouths. "Shhh,he'll hear you." Relizing what I said,I look at them,smirking. I lean back.
"Fine,I do like someone and it's Fred." As I say this,someone starts coming up the stairs. All three of us look at the door.
It opens,to reveal Fred. "Ladies,dinner is ready." I could feel my heartbeat really fast. Cause I'm extermly close to him,like he is right behind me.
Le time skip,cause of Fred😍
HOGWARTSMe,Ginny and Hermonie have been playing Truth or Dare since the train.
"Y/N,Truth or Dare?" This time its Ginny asking. By now,I really dont care,so without actually thinking I answear,"Dare."
We reach the end point to were we have to split up,but stop so we can juat quickly finish. "I dare you to tell Fres how you feel about him."
My ears perk up. "Ginny are you insane!" My eyes dart over,seeing two red heads coming our way. "A dare is a dare,Y/N,"crossing her arms,Ginny and Hermonie walk away.

FredWeasleyxReader One Shots
FanfictionBasically a LOAD of Fred Weasley One Shots and sometimes part 2's.