Chapter 9- dont wait

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(Kakashi POV)

I heard a squeak next to me and my eyes started opening slowly to see what made the noise. As I opened my eyes I saw orange, blue, yellow, and dark green. As my vision cleared I saw the one person that I think about all the time... Naruto.

He gave me a small sad smile and then said

" hello " I then replied with

"Hi" we stared into each others eyes for a long moment my silver ones striking his amazing teal eyes. He gave me another small smile and then stated

" you know this is the first time I've seen you without your mask on." A look of surprise struck my eyes and I realized I wasn't wearing my mask. Oh god he's gunna see the scars!! Was all I thought about and then he peeped in.

" I think you look nice" a slight blush crossed his face as he said those words. It was then that I realized I hadn't said anything but 'hi' yet. I cleared my throat and then stated

"Th-thanks Naruto"

"No problem kakashi sensei" oh how I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. Woah focus yourself kakashi.

" no I mean for everything, for coming here, for coming to my house, for wanting to learn Japanese, for not telling on me, for.... For being there..." I said my voice becoming quieter near the end. His face painted a darker shade of red than before.

"Oh, well, your welcome?" He said questioning if that was the right answer. I gave a small chuckle at his face and then gave him a small smile in return. As I stared into his innocently cute face I noticed something... If it weren't for him... I probably would have died in that fire, I had nothing going for me before Naruto showed up in my life...

I tried propping myself up, a small cough emitting from my throat doing so, my arm then collapsed down and I saw Naruto rushing to my assistance. He grabbed my torso and helped me up propping me up on the conveniently placed pillows.

Just as he was about to return to his seat he stepped back and slipped on something falling towards onto my chest.

"Oww" he said getting up and then realizing how close we were. Our lips only inches apart.his eyes hypnotizing me to go forward. I did as my brain commanded and inched closer to his face, he did the same. Our lips now only a centimetre apart before I closed the gap not wanting to wait any longer.

His lips moved against mine willingly and wantingly. Me equaling the same passion upon him. As our lips collided, even though this wasn't the first time, I felt sparks. We stayed like that for only a few more seconds before splitting for air, both of us wishing it could last longer.

He looked at me his cheeks tinted even more red than before. I gave him a small smile which he returned and then leaped into my arms. I embraced him, but then started coughing, he quickly realized that and got off my chest much to my dismay.

He looked around for a moment and then cleared his throat grabbed his bag and said

" well... I'm glad to see your okay... Umm I sh-should go now... B-but I'll come back later... Uhh bye!" awkwardly. I gave a small chuckle and waved goodbye to him, my eyes never leaving his beautiful form...

I'm so glad I didn't wait..

* please don't kill me!! Lol no, I understand if u want metaphorically shank me just no real shanks please. Anyways thank you for waiting for up this piece of trash I call 'writing'!! Whelp, vote/comment/follow, don't shank me and HAVE A GOOD LIFE!!"

In love with my teacher (kakanaru)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang