Chapter 9

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The image above is a visual for the character, Lucky.

I ended up crashing in Lucky's dorm, waiting for Jasmine which never happened. Me and Lucky watched movies and cracked jokes all night. With everything that's been going on, I never got to really meet meet Lucky yesterday, and glancing over at her occasionally through the night made me notice how fine she is.
"Tell me about yourself." I said while throwing a chip at her.
She giggled and let it fall, "Well I'm Lucky," she chuckled softly then continued, "obviously I'm a freshman and JoJo is my brother. I'm from California, and I'm lesbian. I like going out to like clubs and what not. And eating." She smiled at me then looked down at the ground, "and I like to dance, in my free time. Now tell me about you, Ms. Nia."
I looked around for a moment, pretending to think of something but honestly my eyes were just traveling up and all around Lucky's body. "I'm Nia, freshman, lesbian. I ball. I did it in high school but I sort of phased out of it in my senior year. I like parties and shit. And sleeping." I met my eyes with hers and started laughing. She sat up on the floor and leaned back onto her bed. "So you go let me beat you in basketball?" Nia says with a smirk on her face.
"Yeah after we go to the club tonight."
"We start classes soon, shouldn't we be getting prepared?"
I raised my eyebrow at her, speaking curiously "I wouldn't think you to be a goodie-goodie."
She laughed and grabbed a pillow off of her bed, throwing it my way, but I ended up catching it. I held the pillow up, pecking from behind it. Lucky's body shape is everything. I literally had to fight the urge to pull her on my lap. The words came out before I could stop them, "What ended up happening with your girlfriend?"
Her smile faded from her face, she rubbed her lips together and looked down. "That's done with. It wasn't the first time she's done it."
"Why didn't you leave her before?"
She shrugged her shoulders and looked up. By looking into her eyes, I knew I had to change the topic. "Well don't worry about her, we're going out tonight. You can get you a new dime piece." She nodded in agreement, "So can you. A new bestfriend too."
I shook my head. "Nah fuck all that. I'm just chilling you feel me." I leaned back against Jasmine's bed, crossing my arms. Lucky mocked my position, "I feel yaaaaaaaaaa." We both started laughing hard. She loosened up and crawled over to my side next to me, resting her head on my shoulder, "Looks like we both helped each other get our minds off of things."
I nodded my head in agreement and look towards the movie screen, watching 'Barbershop'
Four minutes later I hear soft breathing at my ear, realizing that Lucky finally feel asleep. I tilted my head back on the bed, closing my eyes and dozing off myself.

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