Chapter 1

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Stiles' P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of an alarm buzzing. "Ughhhhhhhh" I sighed to myself. 7:00 it's too early to process things. I get up and get ready for school. I promised Scott and the pack I would meet them before the bell rang. I change into my normal clothes, blue t-shirt, jeans and my black trainers. I brush my teeth and run downstairs to eat breakfast. "Dad?" I shout out to see if my dads still here. No response. He must've went to work... I think to myself. So I finish breakfast and head out the door. I jump into my jeep and drive to school, wondering if anything exciting will happen at school today.
I arrive at school about 15 minutes later. I jump out and find Scott and the rest waiting for me. "Hey stiles!" Scott shouts from far away. "Hey." I casually said as I got closer to them. "So, you busy tonight?" Scott asks with an interested tone. "I'm not sure, why?"
"Well we were planning to all go see a movie tonight want to come?"
"Sure why not!" I reply in an excited tone.
The bell rings.
We all head to our lockers to get our books then head to class.
My first class was English. Usually I don't really mind English but it can get boring at times. But something felt different today. As I was trying to figure out what it was, my thoughts get interrupted by the teacher.
"Attention please! Now, everyone I would like you to meet the new student to the school Malia Tate."
Instantly I see a beautiful girl emerge from behind the teacher. Her skin a bronze colour,  eyes a dark hazel colour and hair a darkish brown with some blonde highlights. It sits in small curls. Her structure was amazing. The name sounds familiar, then it comes to me. Malia. The coyote Scott had saved. She didn't recognise me but I guess it didn't really matter right now.
Fortunately enough, the only space free was beside me. She walked to her seat, with everyone staring at her, from top to bottom. As she sat down she gave me a warm smile. I quickly smiled back. She sat down and turned around and allowed me to introduce myself.
"Hey I'm Stiles." I say while extending my hand forward she gladly shakes my hand and says,
"I guess you already know my name." She laughed.
Malia's P.O.V.
"I guess you already know my name." I laugh.
Malia!! What were you thinking saying that ugh you're making a fool of yourself infront of such a handsome and unusual boy! I think to myself. Woah. Too fast. I need to know who this guy is first. He does seem like a nice guy though. I should get to know him.....
Stiles' P.O.V.
Her laugh is so sweet I thought to myself. "Stiles! What are you doing?! Falling for the girl you just met?! You are crazy!!!" My self-conscious told me. Maybe that's right. Maybe I shouldn't fall for her yet. I need to get to know her.
40 minutes later
"Don't forget your partners for the project!"
Great! Guess who I got partnered up with.
I mean it's not a bad thing it's just going to be interesting.
"Malia!" I shout, I catch her right before she leaves the class.
"Oh hey!" She answers.
"I was thinking we could go to my house after school to work on the project?"
"Yeah sure! I'll meet you infront of the school."
"Oh and Malia?"
"Do you want to sit with me at lunch? I'll introduce you to my friends, you'll like them." I said with a smile.
"Sure. I'll see you then." She smiled back happily.
A few classes later
Malia's P.O.V.
Finally its lunch! I'm starving!!! But also I'm excited to spend lunch with stiles and his friends. He's in some of my classes so far but I really don't mind it at all. Something about him is different from the people I met today. He's just different.
I walk to my locker to put away my books and get money for lunch. I close my locker to see stiles. "Ahhhhh!" I shout quietly in shock.
"Hey, sorry for scaring you." Stiles said with an apologetic smile which made me feel warm on the inside.
"It's okay haha. Just didn't realise you were there."
"So, you ready to meet them?"
"Okay, let's go then."
We walk through the lunch tables and finally find the table where stiles' friends were at. I'm a very friendly person, so I wasn't really nervous about meeting people.
"Hey guys," stiles starts "This is malia." I scan around the table and see a boy with dark brown hair, a bit lighter then stiles' hair, a girl beside him with long, black hair, another boy with brown hair and blue eyes, and a girl with long, wavy, beautiful strawberry blonde hair. I'm nothing compared to her.
Something about the dark brown haired boy seems fimiliar. Wait. I realise that he's the one who turned me back to a human. But I pleaded him to not tell anyone. Hopefully he kept that promise.
"Hey Malia, I'm Scott" he says. "This is Kira, Liam and Lydia."
"Hey" they all say at different times.
"Hey" I reply back with a smile.
We sit down and talk and talk and then the bell rings.
"Bye guys." I say
"Bye Malia." They all reply.
I start walking to class then I hear Stiles saying back at the table "Bye guys I need to talk to Malia, see you later."
I turn around instantly and see stiles running towards me.
"Hey!" He starts "me and the group were wondering if you wanted to come to the cinema with us tonight."
"Sure. Hopefully my dad won't mind." I reply back in a happy tone.
"Okay, that's great! Anyway I have chemistry...."
"So do I!" I interrupt him
"Well that's good." Stiles says with a smile. He really makes me feel like I belong here. Hopefully he doesn't find my secret.
Few classes later
FINALLY end of school. Mostly I was so excited to spend more time with stiles. But also because I was getting tired. Although he probably doesn't like me in that way. I heard he likes Lydia. Oh well I guess.
I see stiles waiting for me beside a blue jeep. I guess that's his car. Right away stiles sees me and waves with a sweet smile. I smile and wave back.
"Hey!" He says when I get closer
"Hey." I reply back in a tired tone.
"Tired are we?"
"Yeah, tired of school."
"But it was your first day." He chuckles.
"I know but still."
"So you ready to go?"
"Okay let's go!"
We get into the car and start driving to stiles' house.
15 minutes later
We get to his house. His house is average size. Just perfect.
"Here we are!" Stiles said somehow excited.
"Your house is really nice." I say to him.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." I say with a smile. He smiles back.
We get out of the jeep and go into his house.
We go upstairs to his room.
His room has an amazing scent. Malia has an amazing sense smell.
"Just sit on the bed." He says behind me.
"Okay." I reply nicely.
I sit on his bed and start getting my English books out so that we can start the project.
"Okay... So where do we start." He starts.
An hour later
"So," stiles begins "Enough of the project. We should get to know each other."
"Yeah we should." I reply, starting to feel anxious about telling him the truth.
"Okay, I'll start. Who is Malia Tate?" He says with a smirk.
"Well, she's a funny, intelligent?, harsh but friendly." I reply. Before he can say anything I ask "Who is Stiles Stilinski?"
"Well he's a detective, a good friend and a really boring guy." He replies then laughs.
"Hmm oh really?" I reply in a sarcastic tone.
"Yes, now what your backstory Malia?"
Oh no. This is what I feared the most.
"Well umm, I've never really talked about my past to anyone before." He instantly regretted his decision of asking me that. I could see it in his eyes. "But I guess I'll tell you." I continue. "So um me and my dad don't really get along that much. He thinks I'm just a disgrace and that I shouldn't really be here." Tears start pouring down my face. I start getting caught off guard and I look at stiles' face. "Malia?" He asks. I quickly see that my claws are out and I'm assuming my eyes are shining blue.
"Stiles.. I'm so sorry you're probably terrified of me right now. I'm a monster." I take all my stuff and start running out. "MALIA WAIT!" He tries to stop me but it doesn't work. And then just as I'm walking out of the house I hear stiles say from his room. "I would never be scared of you. You're different then anyone I've ever met. I know others like you. Your not a monster not to me." And I hear him sit down and sigh. I stop. Thankfully no one else is his house. I speed up the stairs and go into his bedroom. He looks up with a surprised expression on his face. "Y-you understand me?" I say shakingly.
"Of course I do. My friends that you met today," he says as he stands up, "they're all supernatural. You're not alone. And you're definitely not a monster."
I knew that Scott was an alpha but I would never think everyone else is supernatural.
"But I killed my mother and sister!" I scream in his face.
"I know, but it wasn't your fault. You had no control."
"H-how do y-you know?"
"Remember Scott? I helped him find you."
He knew. But he didn't treat me any differently.
He's the only one that understood.
Finally someone who will understand me.
"You understand." I say as I run up to stiles and hug him tightly and sob in his shoulder. He hugs me back and lets me just get it all out. We just stay there in each other's embrace.
After a while we finally pull apart. I look down on the floor. Stiles grabs my hand and holds it in his hands to get my attention. He then says "You forgot beautiful."
I get confused so I ask him "what?"
"Whenever I asked you who is Malia Tate, you forgot to mention beautiful."
I start blushing "I am not beautiful. Anyway no one really notices me. And i heard that you like Lydia anyway." I frown and escape from his grip and turn around to not face him.

Different. (A STALIA fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt