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*emilia watson up there*
While i was taking a shower i heard someone clear their throat behind me i turned around and my eyes went to shock
"Dad what the heck are you doing here " i said and grabbed the shower curtin to cover myself "well its nice to see you to anyways what i came here for oh yeah today when you meet the " angels " you will meet your sister " he said while rolling his eyes " wait i have a sister how come i never knew" i said confused and angry " honey she is your sister that were seperated at the age of 12 and well honey your a demon shes an angel what do you expect to be together although you are an also and angel and shes a demon as well but she doesn't know it yet " he said casually " how will i know she is my sister?" I say " ohh your wolf or demon will tell you....anyways i have to go visit me soon i mis you okay bye" and with that he was gone in a blink if an eye awsome ill get a new sis i never had one so this will be exciting stuff i finished my shower and went to changed when i entered the room again cane wasnt there anymore thank you mom or dad whatever i choose a simple out fit but comfortable and with style

anyways i have to go visit me soon i mis you okay bye" and with that he was gone in a blink if an eye awsome ill get a new sis i never had one so this will be exciting stuff i finished my shower and went to changed when i entered the room again ca...

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this has to be the first outfit i wear without makeup or lots of black on it i actually look cute and normal like I went down stairs to my brothers/dylans office and knocked because i knew that they were already in there i opened the door and closed it " yes how may i help you?" Sky said " umm im suppose to be in this meeting " i said and went to sit down " no we dont know who you are exactly" he said that caused me to laugh and everyone looked at me akwardly i looked at sky and tyler and agustin like they just lie " umm guys its me emily you know your sister " i said in a duh tone they looked at me for a brief second until tyler finally said " prove it " he said i smirked and said " ohh well since im not your "sister "i gues you wont mind me posting on facebook that video were you were kissing a pillow pretending to be your mate " i hummed as i got my phone out tylers eyes grew wide and the guys started laughing i joined along " okay it is you what happen to your dark side of emily " sky said as he pulled me to his lap and hugged me " well i felt like not wearing to much black today why" i said " well i like this emily" agustin said i looked at him and smiled "you still have that video " tyler said i looked at him and bursted out laughing agustin and sky wanted to see the video so i pulled out my phone i was going to look for it when there was a knock the door this guy came in " alpha wood the angels are here should i let them in " he asked a little scared " yes " he said in a serious cold voice great here comes his alpha side i got off of his lap and went to stand next to agustin and tyler next to sky as soon as we did that 4 men and 1 girl came into the room
"Sister" i heard lily say in my head i snapped my head to the girl that just walked in she was staring at me as well and she literally came running to me and attacked me with a hug i could here soft sobbs come out of her mouth i hugged her back like if i had known her all my life and i could feel tears i my eyes and sudeenly a flashback came to my mind
"Emilia stop" i said in my best angry tone but i knew i had a grin on my face " ohh come on emily you like him i saw it on your face " she said as she dragged me to our favorite place "the peaceful" we named it like that because on day we were wondering around the woods when we came around this part of the woods that has alot of flowers and bushes and a waterfall its beautiful thats why its " the peaceful" " come on we are almost there " she said
*end of flash back*
That was the last day we went there because then she and my family abandon me i felt everyone staring at us like we are some crazy chicks yes we were born the same day but she is very different from me i think now its because she is more angel than me
"Emi" i said in a whisper she looked at me " you remember me em" she sobbed " of course i do how can i forget my sister " i said as i let the tears come out of my eyes " ive missed you em " she said while hugging me again tighter scared of losing me again " ive missed you to emi" i said someone cleared thier throat and inturupted oue moment it was agustin " um do you guys know eachother " he asked slighty nervous " yes sorry " she pulled away and said " levi,alex,john,luis let me introduce you to my sister that ive always told you about this is emily " she said and i looked at them and they greated them self coldly but i understand im a demon " tyler,sky,agustin this is emilia my sister " i said they looked at me like id just grow another head "well guys got to go i need to catch up with my sis later" emilia said and literaly pulled me out of there " lets go to your room " she said i nodded and we made our way to my room

Author's note
Soooooo new chap i know i felt like writting today anyways id like to thank amber towler for letting me use her picture up there i know shes beautifull anywaya vote comment tell me what you think? Love ya guys ❤❤❤

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