Chapter 1

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I marched down the steps like I was marching to my death, sullen and in need of a mood changer. My guardian Maud had once again made my skin boil. In ten years, she has yet to divulge me on the happenings in the outside world. I have heard nothing, not one thing from my family or anyone else for that matter. It was just me, Maud, Alastair, and Calloway here in our tiny safe house on the coast of New Canada, an uninhabited portion of the Reignland, a portion of the country where few were allowed to enter, and even those who were, rarely chose to stray close to the coast. There was no one there, well, except for us four. 

We have been living trace free for a decade. Harvesting our own food and water. Technology was present, but we kept no contact with the Population, and were prohibited to use any devices that could leave a traceable path. It was for our own good we were told. "To keep you safe". That line was once again used this morning, as I pestered Maud to let me contact my Mother and Father at the Palace. "It's not worth compromising our safe house" she had said. I mentally sighed, as I knew she was right, that it was not worth having to pick up and leave, only to speak to my parents for a mere few minutes.

I trudged down the beaten path, making my way to the shore. I paved my way through the rocks and stones, keeping my eye on the horizon. If I looked close enough, I could Calloway in the canoe. We had gone out on the canoe to catch fish, we were low on stock, and Cal being the dutiful young man he was, offered to go out and catch some, even in the harsh winter wind. 

He was close to shore now, and used the oars to maneuverer himself so he could hop straight onto the sand and miss the freezing water. 

"Any luck today?" I asked.

"Ah not much, but it'll do for now. I'll have to go out again when the wind dies down".

"You'll be waiting awhile, then". I paused.  "I got into it again with Maud."

"Cai, why do you always have to pester her? You know she's not allowed to let us communicate with the palace or population. She has no choice".

"I know, I just want to know whats going on back home".

"Listen Cai, you know my mother would let you if she could. She loves you and would do anything to make you happy. But please, you have to let this go".

I let out a huff, because Cal was right. His mother, despite not being related to me, did love me, and had raised me as best as she could, in dire situations no less. 

We began the walk back to the house, Cal carrying the fish, and me carrying the pole and net. We made it up the steps to hear a scream. It sounded like Maud. Cal rushed ahead and sprinted up towards the cottage. I followed him, hoping that whatever Maud had screamed about was in fact a serious matter. Despite my talk with Cal, I was still slightly upset with her. Even so, I pushed on, trying to catch up to him. 

Cal, still ahead busted in through the door, stopping dead in his tracks as he took in his surroundings. Not far behind I mimicked his actions when I saw the horror awaiting us. The living room was full with armed Soulless, with Maud and Alastair imprisoned by their soldiers. There were guns to their heads and guns soon aimed to ours as well. One stepped forward. 

"We only want the girl", they said. "Give us the Divine and we will leave".

Maud spit on her captor's shoes. "You righteous piece of shit. If you think you're leaving with her, you're delusional. There are already backups on their way".

"You and I both know that's not true honey. Not one of you have had contact with the Palace or Population in over years. Now Caia, be a good girl and come her before we have to hurt someone", she said. She being the one I'm guessing is the leader, based on the audacity she has to command me.

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