Chapter Six-Bareing Scars

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I let the robe slide of my shoulders and pool around my feet. I kept my eyes down, I knew his rejection was coming and I didn't want to see the disgust in his eyes; nor did I want him to see the tears gathering in mine.
"Oh Kitten..." He breathed.
"It's okay if you want to reject me now. A prince shouldn't have a mate with a scarred body." My eyes never left the floor. When he didn't respond I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt weight shift in front of me and I thought he was walking out..but suddenly I felt his lips brush against the scar where I was bitten. My eyes snapped open and my head shot up. He jumped back and stared me in the eyes. One single tear slipped down my cheek. He leaned forward again and kissed right shoulder, dead center of the starburst scar that spread along there. Then he trailed kisses slowly, giving me time to stop him, down towards the center of my chest where the blade had sunk millimeters away from my heart. "Dimitri.." I breathed.
"You're right---" he started.
"I know. You don't have to say anything. Just go.."
"Come with me." He took my hand and lead me back into the bathroom and into the closet. He closed the door and turned me around to the full length mirror there.
"You didn't let me finish." He said from behind me. I turned my head, I didn't want to see myself. "Stop. Look at yourself. You were right. You aren't a princess or a kitten, not at all, you are a warrior. And these," he took my hands in his and brought them up to touch my scars. "These, are your battle scars. Nothing to be ashamed of, but to be worn with pride. You aren't a true warrior until you get these. And you, my strong wonderful mate, are the most noble of warriors. Unlike male wolves, these would've sparked revenge. They would've hunted down every last vamp and killed them until they were killed themselves. But you use this as fuel to not let it happen to another." He turned me around to face him and yanked another robe from a hook in the closet and draped it around my shoulders. I tucked my arms threw the sleeves and wrapped it around me. He pulled me close into a hug and I inhaled that heavenly scent of his as he continued." Most people outside of werewolf life have a hard time grasping mates, that our wolves are just attracted to the wolf of our mate, and that it's impossible to fall in love with someone in the blink of an eye; but right now, Alaisia..I Dimitri Provinsky, love you, Alaisia McKinney. Not only as my wolf's mate, but you as a woman and as a warrior." I looked up into his eyes and slowly our lips met. It was a slow kiss. A perfect kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his went to my waist and he pulled me closer. I tangled my fingers in his long hair and stood up on my tip toes to get closer to him and he lifted me off the ground and he squeezed me tight. The kiss was over to soon and as he set my back to the ground me hands glided down his broad chest.
     "I..I love you too."
  "I knew you'd warm up to me." He smiled that cocky smile and leaned down to kiss my cheek. "Now get ready, there's a party being thrown in our honor." He winked and scurried away.
     "It's in my team's honor!" I shouted back and rolled my eyes.
Now that wasn't so hard was it? My wolf boasted at me.
Shut up. I growled back, as ripoff grin plastered on my face.
I turned and looked at the closet, all the clothes I brought had been hung up. I went to find an outfit for tonight and I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I pulled the robe closer around me and went to see who it was. I opened the door and there was a girl, probably around 15-16, standing with a big smile on her face and a dress bag.
  "Hi, can I help you?" I asked and peeped out.
      "Hello miss, I am Audrina, an assistant of the Queen's dressmaker and I'm here to deliver a gift to you from His and Her Majesty. They had these made for you and your team for the ball tonight. The other assistants have delivered the others their dresses, I would've brought yours earlier but on my way the Prince went in and I did not wish to disturb you. I'm sorry to ramble miss, here is your dress. Do you need some help getting ready? I am here at your service." She bowed and extended the dress. I reached and took it from her, it was heavy for a dress.
   "Thank you very much, I don't think I will  much help but I would love the company. Why don't you come in and rest for a bit?" I smiled and opened the door wider for her to come in.
      "Thank you miss!" She scurried inside. "It is such an honor to be asked to be company to not only the Prince's mate and future queen, but such an amazing warrior!" She rambled as we walked into the bathroom. I hung the dress bag up on a hook and I looked at myself and realized I might need a little help if I plan to be ready in time. Plus, Anastasia always dressed me up when we had dinners and parties. If I even went, I usually snuck off with Daddy and the rest of the men to bonfires and run.
"Oh wow..I'm not that special. But I do need some help actually. I've never been too good at this fancy stuff. Would you king helping me?" I asked coyly.
"I would be honored! Here, have a seat and don't you worry. I will take care of everything!" She ran back into the bedroom and grabbed a chair and carried it back into the bathroom as she spoke and I sat down. "Good, now close your eyes and leave everything to me." And for once, I did what I was told.

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