Painting my nails!

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*casually slams fingers in door*

Kurapika: What're you doing?

You: I'm painting my nails, duh!

Kurapika: *Calls Killua* She gone crazy, again.

Killua: Oh dear lord, help us all!

You: Hey, I'm not crazy! I don't want to paint my nails and this is the perfect shade of purple!

Kurapika: Are you sure you're okay? You are slamming your hand in a door.

You: I'm perfectly fine. I just got to live through the pain.

Kurapika: Okay then.


A/N- okay well. I'm gonna be honest here. I will probably only update this whenever I think about stupid things related to HxH, which is a lot, so... Shout out to Mirai_Amiddi who told me to do this. She slammed her hand in a door and I came up with this scenario whilst texting her and she said put it on wattpad, so I did. 💚

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