Day Twenty-One

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2 Peter 2:20
If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.

This is a warning for us all.

We are already saved. We already know Jesus and how great God is in our lives. We already know what's right or wrong. And since we do, we are already entitled to live with the word of God in our hearts.

But have you ever heard of Christians who withdrew from the faith? They are the ones this verse is all about.

Being at fault after knowing what's right is much more punishable than being wrong out of ignorance.

Brothers and sisters, since you already know God, hold on to Him. You know that He is great, so don't let evil deceive you in doing wrong and to settle in the pleasures offered by the world. Be patient and look forward to the Lord's coming.

Don't get weary in doing good. Depend on God to give you strength. Do not slide back from the faith. Because everything you've endured will all be worthy when you finally get to live your eternal life with God.

Be strong. Be patient. Be faithful. Endure :)

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