Dinobots and Wreckers

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"So, it sounds like you've already met Grimlock," Destinee said as she led me down the hall.

"The T-Rex?" I shiver ran down my spine. "Um... He's not gonna eat me, is he?"

Destinee laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you. They may act all mean and tough, but they're actually pretty nice... Well, nicer than the Wreckers."

I smiled uncertainly as I followed Destinee into a large room. I fought back a gasp when I saw the metal T-Rex along with a Triceratops, a Apatosaurus, a Stegosaurus, and a Pteranodon. The Dinobots looked up as we entered the room, they're optics never leaving us. It was then that I noticed that the T-Rex was the only one with red optics, the others had yellow ones. I felt my body stiffen as the T-Rex made his way towards me. He bent his head down, his optics gazing into my eyes.

"Me Grimlock seen tiny human before..." He rumbled.

"Um... Hi, Grimlock?" I said nervously. "I-I'm Alyssa... I'm a friend of Bumblebee's...."

The Pteranodon perked up at Bumblebee's name and flew over to me. He took a moment to study me before nuzzling me. I laughed as I fell over with the Pteranodon still cuddle me with his beak.

"Hey, stop! That tickles!" I giggled. Grimlock and the other Dinobots watched the Pteranodon with narrowed optics. The Pteranodon stopped tickling me and turned back to his friends.

"Me Swoop like nice human," he told them. "If she Bumblebee's friend, then she Swoop's friend."

"Dinobots only be friends with strong bots, not nice humans," the Apatosaurus growled.

"This nice human snuffed a Decepticon," Destinee said. "All by herself, too."

The Dinobots looked at me with interest.

"Me Grimlock... Like."

Guess scraping Frenzy helped me in more ways than one. Swoop gave the other Dinobots a smug look before nuzzling me once again.

"So you know Grimlock and Swoop," Destinee said. "Slag's the Triceratops, Sludge's the Apatosaurus, and Snarl's the Stegosaurus."

The other three Dinobots growled at the sounds of their names. Snarl and Slag eyed me as if deciding whether or not they liked me while Sludge inched closer to me. He took a moment to sniff me before gently rubbing his head against my cheek. I giggled as I gave him a pat on the head. Swoop growled at Sludge and nudged my hand until I rubbed his beak.

"Three out of five," Destinee chuckled. "Not bad. But I'm sure Slag and Snarl will warm up to you."

"Warm up to who?"

The Dinobots and Destinee growled as three new Autobits entered the room. The three glared at them before directing their attention to me.

"Who's the new fleshy?" The potbellied red mech said in a Cockney accent. I frowned up at him. Fleshy?!

"My name's Alyssa," I snapped at them. The three blinked and stared at me for awhile. Then, the green one chuckled.

"Feisty, eh?" He said in a thick Scottish accent. "I like that in a femme."

"I'm taken," I told him flatly. The red mech peered closely at me, causing Swoop to growl louder.

"Wait... You're Bee's human, aren't ya?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"We've heard about you," the blue one said. "Scrapped a Decepticon, didn't you?"

I nodded again. The three mechs pulled back and huddled. They were speaking in hushed voices so that we couldn't hear them. Finally, they turned back to me.

"We decided that you're not half bad, for a human," the red one told me. I raised an eyebrow, causing him to smirk. "With us, that's a compliment, girly. Let me introduce ourselves: We're the Wreckers."

Destinee rolled her eyes and faked a cough into her hand to cover up the word, "Assholes."

"I'm Leadfoot," the red one told me. "This is Topspin --" the blue one nodded "-- and Roadbuster." The green one winked at me.

"Hey, ladies!" Shane said as he entered the room. "Alyssa! I see you've met my friends."

"Why are they here?" Destinee hissed between clenched teeth. The Wrecker glared at her.

"Well, you're no pleasure either," Leadfoot sneered.

"They're just dropping me off, hon," Shane said quickly. The room's temperature seemed to have dropped slightly. "Let's not do something we'll regret... again."

"Fine," Destinee and Leadfoot huffed before the latter backed up.

"We've gotta head back now, Shane," he told Shane. He glared sharply at Desstinee. "And next time, bring a muzzle for this one."

Destinee scowled at them as she watched them leave. "I hate them."

"They don't seem that bad," I shrugged. I didn't really like them, but at the same time I didn't dislike them. Swoop snorted before nudging my hand again.

"Alright, alright," I chuckled as I rubbed his beak again. Swoop make a low rumbling sound as his optics closed. "I like you, too."

"Careful, I think he has a crush on you," Destinee teased.

"I hope not."

Swoop's head shot up as Bumblebee entered the room. Bee didn't have time to react before the Dinobot tackled him to the ground.

"GAH!~Swoop~no!~Down boy, down!~Sit!~C'mon, get off!"

The image before me reminded me of the way a large dog jumped onto its owner. Bee's mechanical laughter rehang out as he feebly tried to protect himself.

"Alright, alright!~You win!~I surrender! I surrender!"

Swoop chirped as he let Bumblebee stand back up. Bee chuckled and patted Swoop on the head.

"Great~seeing you~again," he told him. "I missed ya~boy."

"Swoop missed Bumblebee, too!" Swoop crowed happily.

Bumblebee chuckled before turning his attention to me. There was a moment of slight hesitance before he gestured for me to follow him. Destinee and I shared a quick glance before I followed Bee out into the hall. Once Bee made sure we were alone, he knelt down so he could meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry~about earlier," he said softly. "I~shouldn't have~raised my voice."

"I'm sorry, too," I told him. He shook his head

"No.~You have~every right to be mad~at me." His door wings dropped as he turned away from me. "Do you~think we~need to~ take a break?"

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