History Repeats Itself!~Poem#2

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This poem is about how i lost someone and in what way... That person is represented as a beam of sunlight to explain the feeling. I didn't loose that persons presence in my life.

I spent years to yearning that kind of warmth in the beam of sunlight and i finally earned it.

And I lost it in such a short period of time

History Repeats Itself!

I would have broken down
But i have no tears
I lost my tears too
Nothing is left

Loosing it all
Loosing the rest
A slight beam of hope
Coming from a chest

A chest filled with memories
But on that resides guilt
Blocking my most treasured memories

There is something I gave up
Something that reminds me
That I tried to pay the guilt off

And it did work
It did help
But it didn't last longer
The effect also left

I tried not to let it affect me
I tried not to let it defect me
And it worked
Because it killed me instead

The things I felt
They made me melt

I lost all the control
I lost all the power

I felt so helpless
I felt completely hopeless

I lost what I lost
It was not just control
It was not just power
It was not just hope

It was something I had put myself together for
Something I had spent years thirsty for

That warm beam of sunshine
The sunshine is still there
But it has lost it's warmth
It has lost it soothing touch
How could I have been stupid enough

It doesn't have it's healing touch anymore
Now all it can do is burn me
Burn me Till I am not there anymore
I lost it all
No wonder I am not so positive anymore

They say history repeats itself
I was on a mission to prove this wrong

Guess who won????


Thank you :)

Hope you liked the poem.

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