Chaos and destruction

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They looked out of the window and what they saw was a horrifying sight, they had been so busy trying to figure Sabrina out to notice the ship begin to sway, it was now becoming quite violent, the waters were rough and the storm was raging, amidst the water splashing on the decks they could just make out Chloe at the centre of the havoc, screaming and yelling and occasionally laughing evilly, blade in hand, wreaking havoc, the men were running and yelling, swords out, but what good would they do? Every time one of them tried to slay her their swords would go straight through her ghostly form, being not exactly smart people half of the crew had been either stabbed or cut or slit to death by Chloe or throw overboard by the immense winds and the large amounts of water sweeping across front the rough waves beneath them before they finally figured it that she was unaffected by the storms and she was unfazed by their mortal weapons for she was no longer mortal, what is dead cannot die, it cannot be killed, upon that realisation what remained of the crew tried to climbs out of her reach at which point they discovered that she had control of the winds and the tides, she swept a few into the ocean to meet a water end and was left with 3 on deck, she gave a terrifying smile, she came towards them and Ryan and Peyton looked away from the window, they didn't want to watch this, they heard shrill cries and then silence, the waters calmed and then a shrivelling cackle, the looked at Sabrina who had watched every second of it expressionlessly, she put a finger to her lips and motioned for them to move out of the way of the door, they do as they're told, she gestures for them to open the door and they do so, they watch as Sabrina steps out onto the deck, her sister with her back to her

"Chloe" they hear her say

"Yes dear sister" the boys couldn't make out if that was sarcastic or not

"You need to stop this" Sabrina told Chloe

"I need to do no such thing" she replies

"You do, I want peace and I can't with you on my conscience" Sabrina tells her

"Well I don't care! I want my life back! My father back! I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK!" She whipped round and screamed at her sister

"AT LEAST YOU GOT TO SEE YOUR CHILD, I NEVER EVEN GOT SEE MY SON!" Sabrina screamed back, the boys were taken aback by what they had just heard, it all clicked, why she was so hell bent on revenge, it all made sense

"MY BABY DIED IN THAT STORM!" Chloe almost screamed at Sabrina

"Your baby was already dead" Sabrina said coldly

"What?!" Chloe looked her sister square in the face

"It's true and you know it, you didn't lose Sarah the night of that storm, she was stillborn, your daughter was already dead" Sabrina's tone starting cold and malicious but becoming softer as she saw the pain on her sisters face

"And your son was never alive" Chloe says remorsefully

"We both lost something in that storm that can never be replaced, but we can find out peace still, I've found some help, they want to help us find our peace, please Chloe I need this, I can't live thinking what it would be like if that ship hasn't sunk, if the doctors would be right, if I would truly have a son, Brandon may have been a horrible husband to me for all of the 8 months our marriage lasted but I would have a child now, they would be able to do so many things that they will never be able to do, I can't keep doing this, I can't be without anyone forever, we need to go now" she spoke with a passion that she hadn't felt in two years

"Okay" Chloe said simply

"Come out here" Sabrina yells to Ryan and Peyton who slowly step out from the cabin not sure what fair was awaiting them

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