Chapter Fifteen

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DeAndre looked miserable, and it was killing me. He kept his distance, but it didn't stop him from watching me constantly, desire always written in his eyes. Our classes together were uncomfortable to say the least. He didn't press me to talk to him, and I didn't try to.

I was doing my best to pretend he wasn't right there, but it wasn't working. I'd look up and catch him staring then glance away quickly. Other times he'd catch me watching with longing, and there was always this giant pause filling the space between us.

Evaluating my feelings for him was leading me in one firm direction. I was falling head over heels for him but didn't know if he felt the same way, or if he just missed the physical attraction, which was constantly pulsating and throbbing between us with a life all its own.

Trust was also a big issue. I placed a lot of value in it, and there were definitely things I didn't trust about him. The drugs scared me. I couldn't ever forget Jordan's face the night he died. I couldn't bear to lose DeAndre that way, and it seemed there was a real risk of it happening.

There was also the fact he was clearly hiding something. He'd never tried to volunteer any information on whatever it was he kept so close to his vest. I knew he seemed to be in some kind of trouble, but I couldn't figure out what it was, and although I wanted to believe in him, it was hard.

That was really all this boiled down to. Could I be with a guy I didn't fully trust? It was a large leap.

"Hey, cheer up. You look so sad," James said, placing his arm around me and squeezing during our chemistry lab. I heard DeAndre's chair shifting from the table behind us.

I could only imagine what his face looked like right now. The tension between him and James was almost palpable whenever they were in the same room together. Everyone could feel it, it didn't matter who you were.

"So are we still on for the Masquerade this year? It's always been our thing," James spoke in low tones, leaning in close.

"Um, yeah, sure. You did ask me to save all of them for you our freshman year, if I remember correctly." I smiled.

"I did. I wanted a guarantee to get at least one dance with you a year. I knew other guys would be snatching you up."

I snorted. "Yeah, they were really crawling out of the woodwork."

He chuckled. "Not my fault if they're all stupid."

I was a little disappointed. I'd actually hoped DeAndre would ask me to the dance. But it was true, James had asked a long time ago, so I couldn't back out.

"Come over after school, and we can look for our costumes together."

He smiled widely, squeezing me again as he laughed a little. There was a quiet cough I couldn't ignore behind me. I looked over my shoulder and found DeAndre and Blake staring.

"Can I talk to you after school, Cami?" DeAndre asked.

I glanced at James who was openly glaring.

"Um, I've actually made plans with James. Maybe later? He has to work at five so I'll be free after that."

"Sounds good. I'll be there. Thanks." He didn't smile, but his posture seemed to relax a little.

Crush || DeAndre Jordan {#Wattys2016}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя