I Won't Admit it.....

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I let out a big yawn while walking down from the stairs. I didn't get that much shut eye because of my spice testing and didn't get that much of a good result yesterday. My neck is killing me and I really need a break right now.

I walk into the kitchen to make myself a wake up coffee and saw Tadokoro in her gardening attire.

"Oh Souma-kun! Good morning!" She greet in full spirit as always "G'morn...." I reply shortly, sorry Tadokoro, my neck is giving my a serious pain right now and talking made it worst. Don't know of it has any relations though....

"Souma-kun, are you okay? You look half dead for some reason....."

"Uh yeah... My neck is killing me from last night spice testing...."

"That's awfull!" Tadokoro squealed "Have you tried putting ointment on it?"

"Hmmm..." I sipped my coffee a little "I usually let my pain heal by itself so no."

"Just wait here! I'll buy you some!!" Tadokoro put her straw gardening hat to the kitchen counter and ran off before I could say she shouldn't bother. Tadokoro really like to meddle into people conditions.... It's not bad and one of her good qualities actually.

Takumi is also like that. He panicked one time I cut the back of my hand when taking my knife. I even remember he wrap the bandage too hard while panicking and I help him to calm down until he can properly hold the gushing blood from my hand. He blamed me for being careless and kind of cry a little. It's a really cute sight....

Oh man....

Why of all time I'm thinking of Takumi right now.... He's probably in head 24/7 though.... And I failed confessing last time too....

Geez, I'm such a failure in love.....



Let's see....
I'm out of oregano and basil.... Tumeric powder.... and what else...?

I'm in the middle of restocking my herbs and spice stock in the suppermarket. I should've have take notes on what to buy. It was a careless mistake of mind. I bought whatever in my memories are and walk to the cashier. Right near the cashier was the medicine and skincare corner and I'm sure I saw Tadokoro-san there. I wonder what she's doing there....

I slipped out the chasier queque and walk to the medicine corner where Tadokoro-san are.

"Tadokoro-san, what are you doing here?"

"Takumi-kun?!" She seems surprise to see me out of nowhere, well that's for sure "I'm looking for an ointment that I always use for muscle pain.... But it seems they're out of stock...."

"Are you having a muscle pain right now?"

"Oh it's not me. It's Souma-kun."

What? Yukihira is?

"He seems to have a really bad neck pain.... Oh what to do?" Tadokoro-san looks troubled and Yukihira... You're the last person I thought who will have a neck pain....

"I seem to have an ointment for that, though I don't know if it's the one you always use."

"Really?? Takumi-kun, you're a life saver!!" She looked up at me with her happy big eyes and smile. I nod in reply.

"I'll bring it to your dorm since I want to check how's that idiot doing! For god sake.... Him getting a neck pain is unbelieveable!" I mumble in annoyance all to myself and Tadokoro-san let out a small giggle.

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