Chapter 4

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Liam's P.O.V

I go up to my room to change after we got out of Bri's pool. I had a lot of fun spending time with everybody. I don't to get to do that as much anymore since i'm always on tour. Everyone gets along pretty well other than the occasional fights over the last ice cream sandwich and the screaming people's death wishes as they pass you up in Mario Kart. "Hey Louis'' I say as he walks by my room. He shares a room with Harry and Niall shares a room with me. "Whats up?'' He asks. "Up for a game of Mario Kart?" He raises his eyebrows and says, "You're on!" I get the game set up while Louis sits impatiently on the floor. He's always Luigi and im Yoshi. I let him pick the first place and he picks Toad's Factory. Louis counts down with the timer, "3!  2! 1! BEEP!" I laugh as we make our way around the track. I pass the finish line for my first time around in 3rd place Louis in 1st. "NO!" Louis shouts as he gets smashed by the machine. "LIAM I SWEAR YOU BE-" I pass him and now in 1st. "Liam I hate you right now and you cant come to my birthday party." he mumbled. "Ouch" I say as if  that hurt my feelings.  I won the 1st and 2nd race while Louis won the 3rd and 4th. We were too tired to do a tie breaker. Niall came back in im assuming from the kitchen considering he had nachos in his arms. "Hey can I ha-" "No. Mine" he said in a Gollum voice.  I didn't get my hopes up since he never shares his food anyway. "Well on that note goodnight Li and Gollum. Swim again tomorrow?" I shook my head. "Yeah ill text Bri and tell her we'll be over in the morning. Night Louis and tell Hazza night for us" I said. I texted Bri and told her we were going to raid her pool tomorrow and knowing Niall, maybe her fridge too. I put my phone down on my side table and stared up at the ceiling. It barely felt 10 minutes before I passed out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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